Category:Shoulder Items
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Pages in category "Shoulder Items"
The following 200 pages are in this category, out of 3,193 total.
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- Item:Advanced Mantle
- Item:Advanced Mantle (Level 95)
- Item:Advanced Pauldrons
- Item:Advanced Pauldrons (Level 95)
- Item:Advanced Shoulder-pads
- Item:Advanced Shoulder-pads (Level 95)
- Item:Advancing Brawler's Shoulders of the Morannon
- Item:Aearanc
- Item:Aermal
- Item:Agile Eastemnet Combat Pauldrons
- Item:Agile Eastemnet Skirmish Pauldrons
- Item:Agile Shoulder-guards of Khazad-dûm's Fall
- Item:Agile Shoulder-guards of the Threshold
- Item:Ajokoira Shoulder Guards
- Item:Alabaster Keep Shoulder-guards
- Item:Alliance of the Third Age Camail
- Item:Amalach's Guards
- Item:Amarthranc
- Item:Ambitious Sailor's Shoulders
- Item:Ambusher's Shoulders
- Item:Ancient Doom-hunter's Shoulders
- Item:Ancient Erebor Shoulderpads
- Item:Ancient Hytbold Shoulderpads
- Item:Ancient Leather Shoulder-pads
- Item:Ancient Osgiliath Shoulderpads
- Item:Ancient Osgiliath Shoulderpads (105)
- Item:Ancient Rift-defender's Shoulders
- Item:Ancient Rift-reaper's Shoulders
- Item:Ancient Shoulders of Graven Word
- Item:Ancient Shoulders of the Elder Days
- Item:Ancient Shoulders of the Gloom-bane
- Item:Ancient Shoulders of the North Star
- Item:Ancient Silk Pauldrons
- Item:Ancient Silk Shoulder-pads of the Eagle
- Item:Ancient Thrill-seeker's Shoulders
- Item:Ancient Town-saver's Shoulders
- Item:Ancient Wandering Bard's Shoulders
- Item:Anganskáld Shoulders
- Item:Anvil-forged Pauldrons of Alacrity
- Item:Anvil-forged Pauldrons of Deflection
- Item:Anvil-forged Pauldrons of Finesse
- Item:Anvil-forged Pauldrons of Fortitude
- Item:Anvil-forged Pauldrons of Precision
- Item:Anvil-forged Pauldrons of Reflexes
- Item:Anvil-forged Pauldrons of Shielding
- Item:Anvil-forged Pauldrons of the Defender
- Item:Anvil-forged Pauldrons of the Warrior
- Item:Anórien Assault Pauldrons
- Item:Anórien Battle Pauldrons
- Item:Anórien Campaign Pauldrons
- Item:Anórien Combat Pauldrons
- Item:Anórien Strife Pauldrons
- Item:Anórien War Pauldrons
- Item:Aradhranc
- Item:Archer's Camail of the Abyss
- Item:Arcil's Appreciation
- Item:Arcil's Gratitude
- Item:Arcil's Praise
- Item:Arcil's Recognition
- Item:Arcil's Thanks
- Item:Argent Dwarf-make Shoulder Guards
- Item:Arnorian Noble's Spaulders
- Item:Arrow of the West Shoulder Guards
- Item:Arthdúr Shoulder Pads
- Item:Arthranc
- Item:Artisan Leather Shoulders (rare)
- Item:Artisan Leather Shoulders (uncommon)
- Item:Athelward's Silken Mantle
- Item:Athgrat's Musty Shoulder-guards
- Item:Athgrat's Old Shoulder-guards
- Item:Athranc
- Item:Atli's Pauldrons
- Item:Atli's Shoulderguards
- Item:Atli's Shoulderpads
- Item:Attacker's Camail of the Rising Moon (Item Level 407)
- Item:Attacker's Camail of the Rising Moon (Item Level 409)
- Item:Attacker's Mantle of the Rising Moon
- Item:Attacker's Mantle of the Rising Moon (crit)
- Item:August Fated Shoulder Pads of the Golden Wood
- Item:August Tactical Shoulder Pads of the Golden Wood
- Item:Authranc
- Item:Avoranc
- Item:Axe-breaker's Gundabad-smithed Shoulderguard
- Item:Axe-breaker's Gundabad-smithed Shoulderguard (Item Level 460)
- Item:Axe-breaker's Gundabad-tailored Shoulderguards
- Item:Axe-breaker's Gundabad-tailored Shoulderguards (Item Level 460)
- Item:Baladhranc
- Item:Balladeer's Shoulders
- Item:Barrow-scholar's Shoulder Pads
- Item:Barrow-scout's Shoulder Pads
- Item:Barrow-warrior's Shoulder Pads
- Item:Battered Leather Shoulderguards
- Item:Battle-commander's Shoulders
- Item:Battle-crier's Shoulders
- Item:Battle-dancer's Shoulders
- Item:Battle-leader's Shoulders (Level 65)
- Item:Battle-leader's Shoulders (Level 85)
- Item:Battle-outrider's Shoulders
- Item:Battle-scarred Shoulders
- Item:Battle-tested Shoulders
- Item:Battle-worn Pauldron of Resistance
- Item:Battle-worn Schoulderpads of Resilience
- Item:Battle-worn Shoulderguards of Defence
- Item:Beast of Glân Vraig's Pauldron
- Item:Beast-master Shoulders (Item Level 50)
- Item:Beast-master Shoulders (Level 60)
- Item:Beast-master Shoulders (Level 65)
- Item:Beast-master's Mantle of the Abyss
- Item:Belegranc
- Item:Belrim
- Item:Beorning's Greater Silk-steel Pauldrons of Brutal Retribution
- Item:Beorning's Greater Silk-steel Pauldrons of Deadly Claws
- Item:Beorning's Greater Silk-steel Pauldrons of Exhilarating Change
- Item:Beorning's Silk-steel Pauldrons of Brutal Retribution
- Item:Beorning's Silk-steel Pauldrons of Deadly Claws
- Item:Beorning's Silk-steel Pauldrons of Exhilarating Change
- Item:Berserker's Camail of the Abyss
- Item:Berserker's Shoulders
- Item:Blade of the West Shoulder Guards
- Item:Blade's Camail of the Abyss
- Item:Blademaster's Shoulders
- Item:Boar's Hide Pauldrons
- Item:Boar's Hide Shoulder Pads
- Item:Boar's Hide Spaulders
- Item:Boffin's Shoulders
- Item:Boiled Leather Pauldrons
- Item:Bolger's Shoulders
- Item:Bolstered Iron Pauldrons of the Eagle
- Item:Bolstered Pauldrons of Mordor's Bane
- Item:Bolstered Pauldrons of the Abyss
- Item:Bolstered Pauldrons of the Alliance Renewed (Item Level 323)
- Item:Bolstered Pauldrons of the Alliance Renewed (Item Level 326)
- Item:Bolstered Pauldrons of the Ash Plains
- Item:Bolstered Pauldrons of the Doomfold (Item Level 323)
- Item:Bolstered Pauldrons of the Doomfold (Item Level 326)
- Item:Bolstered Pauldrons of the Expedition's Vanguard
- Item:Bolstered Pauldrons of the Last Alliance
- Item:Bolstered Pauldrons of the Pathfinder's Artifice
- Item:Bolstered Pauldrons of the Towers
- Item:Bolstered Pauldrons of the Vanguard's Bearing
- Item:Bolstered Pauldrons of the Wyrm
- Item:Bolstered Pauldrons of Thorin's Memory
- Item:Bolstered Pauldrons of Thorin's Strength
- Item:Border Scout's Shoulder Guards
- Item:Both-herthar
- Item:Braigranc
- Item:Brawler's Arms
- Item:Brawler's Greater Silk-steel Pauldrons of Brutal Retribution
- Item:Brawler's Greater Silk-steel Pauldrons of Deadly Claws
- Item:Brawler's Greater Silk-steel Pauldrons of Exhilarating Change
- Item:Brawler's Shoulder Guards of Dúnhathel
- Item:Brawler's Silk-steel Pauldrons of Brutal Retribution
- Item:Brawler's Silk-steel Pauldrons of Deadly Claws
- Item:Brawler's Silk-steel Pauldrons of Exhilarating Change
- Item:Brilliant Forest Defender's Shoulderguards
- Item:Brilliant Mantle of Kordkoth's Pinch
- Item:Brilliant Padded Mantle of Kordkoth's Pinch
- Item:Brilliant Padded Pauldrons of Kordkoth's Pinch
- Item:Brilliant Padded Shoulder Guards of Kordkoth's Pinch
- Item:Brilliant Pauldrons of Kordkoth's Pinch
- Item:Brilliant Shoulder Guards of Kordkoth's Pinch
- Item:Bronweranc
- Item:Bronze Shoulder Guards
- Item:Bruiser's Shoulders
- Item:Brutal Pauldrons of the Relentless
- Item:Brutal Pauldrons of the Ruthless
- Item:Brutal Pauldrons of the Vengeful
- Item:Brutal Pauldrons of the Wary
- Item:Bulwark of Glân Vraig's Pauldron
- Item:Burglar's Greater Silk-hide Camail of Deceptive Fortune
- Item:Burglar's Greater Silk-hide Camail of Gifted Trickery
- Item:Burglar's Greater Silk-hide Camail of the Keen Eye
- Item:Burglar's Silk-hide Camail of Deceptive Fortune
- Item:Burglar's Silk-hide Camail of Gifted Trickery
- Item:Burglar's Silk-hide Camail of the Keen Eye
- Item:Burnished Dunlending Pauldrons
- Item:Burnished Dwarf-make Warrior's Shoulder Guards
- Item:Burnished Elven Warrior's Shoulder Guards
- Item:Burnished Pauldrons of the Dunland Warlord
- Item:Burnished Warrior's Shoulder Guards
- Item:Cadda's Thanks
- Item:Cae-palvais
- Item:Calenglad's Wrap
- Item:Camail of Stonehelm
- Item:Camail of Stonehelm (Crit)
- Item:Camail of the Dwarf-holds
- Item:Camail of the Village in Safety
- Item:Campaigner's Shoulder Guards
- Item:Campaigner's Shoulder Guards of Might
- Item:Canvas Hiders and Seekers Shoulderpads
- Item:Captain's Greater Silk-steel Pauldrons of Deafening Valour
- Item:Captain's Greater Silk-steel Pauldrons of Heroic Challenge
- Item:Captain's Greater Silk-steel Pauldrons of Unassailable Valour
- Item:Captain's Silk-steel Pauldrons of Deafening Valour
- Item:Captain's Silk-steel Pauldrons of Heroic Challenge
- Item:Captain's Silk-steel Pauldrons of Unassailable Valour
- Item:Caravan Warden's Brace
- Item:Cardoloan Preserver's Mantle
- Item:Cavern-lost Dextrous Shoulders
- Item:Cavern-lost Heavy Shoulders