Category:Object Images
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Media in category "Object Images"
The following 183 files are in this category, out of 183 total.
Abnúzhu's Banner.jpg 332 × 609; 62 KB
Aeglos 2.jpg 1,362 × 1,440; 368 KB
Aeglos 3.jpg 2,560 × 1,440; 678 KB
Aeglos.jpg 982 × 1,440; 285 KB
Ancient Altar.jpg 2,560 × 1,440; 910 KB
Ancient Obelisk.jpg 2,560 × 1,440; 632 KB
Ancient Relic of Ikorbân.jpg 278 × 338; 39 KB
Andúril 2.jpg 920 × 1,440; 372 KB
Andúril.jpg 1,382 × 1,440; 454 KB
Arnorian Rubble.jpg 297 × 204; 13 KB
Backpack.png 124 × 107; 26 KB
Baldor.jpg 1,242 × 1,440; 347 KB
Banner of Lórien.jpg 403 × 622; 231 KB
Banners of the Seven Houses.jpg 2,160 × 1,428; 4.33 MB
Berry bush (Thorin's Gate).jpg 596 × 613; 96 KB
Bingo's Notes.jpg 600 × 600; 60 KB
Bird and Baby Inn sign.jpg 214 × 147; 27 KB
Blazon of the Gabil'akkâ.jpg 651 × 1,009; 226 KB
Blazon of the Last Alliance.jpg 900 × 786; 252 KB
Box of Goods.jpg 353 × 319; 43 KB
Brittleleaf Sprout.jpg 334 × 445; 24 KB
Camp Site Fire.jpg 770 × 550; 75 KB
Camp Site Fire.png 227 × 142; 50 KB
Caru-lûth (Stag Clan) Statue.jpg 432 × 962; 167 KB
Caru-lûth banner.jpg 499 × 797; 78 KB
Chest (Gundabad).jpg 400 × 328; 42 KB
Chest (Minas Morgul).jpg 310 × 210; 28 KB
Chest.jpg 495 × 357; 197 KB
Cliving Emblem.jpg 136 × 210; 26 KB
Cocoon.png 262 × 156; 76 KB
Crown of Dáin I.jpg 322 × 339; 27 KB
Crown of Gondor 2.jpg 1,855 × 1,440; 1,002 KB
Crown of Gondor 3.jpg 1,206 × 1,425; 383 KB
Crown of Gondor 4.jpg 880 × 1,080; 210 KB
Crown of Gondor.jpg 1,204 × 1,058; 363 KB
DarklingHole.JPG 422 × 300; 20 KB
Debris Pile (Bilbo's Buttons).jpg 1,631 × 940; 230 KB
Delving Stone.jpg 1,071 × 1,005; 304 KB
Destroyed Supply-cart.jpg 1,625 × 655; 358 KB
Dievlig Banner.jpg 614 × 908; 205 KB
Dourhand's Banner.png 397 × 1,045; 637 KB
Draig-lûth (Dragon Clan) banner.jpg 962 × 771; 126 KB
Draig-lûth (Dragon Clan) Statue.jpg 534 × 969; 187 KB
Dunedain Statue.jpg 224 × 325; 42 KB
Eaworth Emblem.jpg 132 × 210; 32 KB
Elendilmir.jpg 999 × 1,440; 281 KB
Elfstone.jpg 1,518 × 1,243; 240 KB
Elthengels Emblem.jpg 132 × 260; 27 KB
Falcon clan symbol on armour.jpg 372 × 431; 58 KB
Faldham Emblem.jpg 132 × 210; 23 KB
Fallen Log.jpg 600 × 210; 32 KB
Fallen Sapling.jpg 300 × 400; 27 KB
Fallen Timber.jpg 250 × 250; 13 KB
Floating Log sign.jpg 250 × 179; 42 KB
Floodwend Emblem.jpg 132 × 210; 23 KB
Frostulf summoning horn.jpg 339 × 137; 17 KB
Gaeruan's nest.jpg 1,904 × 1,012; 240 KB
Garsfeld Emblem.jpg 132 × 210; 25 KB
Gem-bearing Rock.jpg 373 × 454; 26 KB
Gem-hoard.jpg 351 × 460; 29 KB
Glamdring.jpg 1,113 × 1,440; 311 KB
Golden Perch sign.jpg 262 × 188; 42 KB
Golfimbul's Skull.jpg 602 × 609; 393 KB
Grand Relic of Ikorbân.jpg 390 × 301; 33 KB
Gúthwinë.jpg 1,300 × 880; 203 KB
Halson Cleary.jpg 879 × 1,017; 130 KB
Harwick Emblem.jpg 134 × 210; 34 KB
Headless Sun-touched Troll.jpg 600 × 600; 51 KB
Hebog-lûth (Falcon Clan) Banner.jpg 716 × 605; 111 KB
Hebog-lûth (Falcon Clan) Statue 2.jpg 715 × 873; 157 KB
Hebog-lûth (Falcon Clan) Statue.jpg 424 × 648; 78 KB
Herugrim.jpg 1,560 × 1,138; 337 KB
Hobbit Lamp-post.jpg 546 × 673; 311 KB
Idol of Sauron.jpg 704 × 930; 172 KB
Kámbrada's Banner.jpg 267 × 648; 60 KB
Laerdan's Note.jpg 425 × 333; 99 KB
Landorrim's Banner.jpg 261 × 629; 78 KB
Langhold Emblem.jpg 132 × 210; 21 KB
Large Seed Pod.jpg 327 × 308; 32 KB
Last Alliance-banner-Elendil.jpg 525 × 745; 53 KB
Last Alliance-banner-Gil-galad.jpg 525 × 745; 47 KB
Mannequins.jpg 750 × 465; 129 KB
Memories of Storvâgûn.jpg 301 × 720; 58 KB
Milestone (Dol Amroth).jpg 1,466 × 984; 537 KB
Milestone (Forlaw).jpg 519 × 862; 115 KB
Milestone (Jirush).jpg 514 × 660; 143 KB
Milestone (Lond Cirion).jpg 567 × 986; 153 KB
Milestone (Shonith).jpg 306 × 597; 63 KB
Milestone (Snowbourn).jpg 956 × 840; 214 KB
Milestone (Stangard).jpg 300 × 700; 50 KB
Milestone (Umbar Baharbêl).jpg 334 × 498; 80 KB
Milestone.JPG 500 × 880; 208 KB
Mining Cache.jpg 296 × 296; 40 KB
Mirror of Galadriel 2.jpg 2,560 × 1,440; 1.03 MB
Mirror of Galadriel.jpg 2,560 × 1,440; 1.12 MB
Morfuin's Hole.jpg 922 × 829; 975 KB
Mundo's Letter.jpg 406 × 652; 122 KB
Mustering Horn.jpg 363 × 527; 102 KB
Mysterious-relics.jpg 790 × 155; 125 KB
Mírdanant.jpg 1,753 × 1,414; 692 KB
Narfanghoth's Banner.jpg 243 × 630; 71 KB
Old Chest (the Dale-lands).jpg 331 × 553; 46 KB
Orc Armour.jpg 663 × 654; 135 KB
Orc-letter.jpg 765 × 319; 147 KB
Orcrist.jpg 1,220 × 862; 198 KB
Ori's Remains.jpg 1,069 × 1,159; 1.97 MB
OstElendil-Counterweight.JPG 1,920 × 1,440; 402 KB
Phial of Eärendil's Light.jpg 755 × 702; 88 KB
Picnic Basket.jpg 711 × 400; 141 KB
Plough and Stars sign.jpg 231 × 187; 36 KB
Quenching trough sign.jpg 295 × 180; 15 KB
Rare Gundabad Chest.jpg 1,041 × 823; 713 KB
Rare Mordor Chest.jpg 500 × 470; 85 KB
Ravaedron and Staghorn Painting.jpg 1,427 × 1,080; 127 KB
Ravaedron's Painting.jpg 896 × 838; 1,018 KB
Reflecting Pool (Gorgoroth).jpg 900 × 900; 86 KB
Reflecting Pool (Midsummer).jpg 1,125 × 900; 190 KB
Reflecting Pool (Morlad).jpg 1,564 × 983; 663 KB
Reflecting Pool.jpg 900 × 900; 74 KB
Remains of Óin.jpg 900 × 1,080; 223 KB
Repair Anvil.jpg 296 × 387; 57 KB
Resurrection Ring.jpg 1,800 × 950; 358 KB
Riddles in the Walls.jpg 2,560 × 1,440; 248 KB
Rune-stone of the Rock-warden.jpg 321 × 376; 104 KB
Rusty Small Chest.jpg 440 × 420; 68 KB
Sapling.jpg 608 × 868; 180 KB
Sceptre of Annúminas.jpg 798 × 1,410; 303 KB
Shrine of the Uch.jpg 619 × 638; 483 KB
Sign Tavern.png 721 × 629; 690 KB
Silithar.jpg 965 × 956; 145 KB
Small Seed Pod.jpg 255 × 237; 25 KB
Snowbourn Emblem.jpg 132 × 210; 28 KB
Snowpile.jpg 610 × 589; 71 KB
Stash of Fireworks.jpg 705 × 711; 70 KB
Sting.jpg 1,230 × 1,366; 417 KB
Stolen Ale.jpg 400 × 300; 24 KB
Stolen Food.jpg 350 × 400; 22 KB
Stone of Anor.jpg 1,071 × 1,304; 335 KB
Stone of Ithil.jpg 1,151 × 1,185; 240 KB
Stone of Orthanc.jpg 1,051 × 1,440; 373 KB
Stone of Osgiliath.jpg 1,663 × 1,440; 582 KB
Sturdy Branch.jpg 360 × 347; 38 KB
Sun-touched Troll Head.jpg 480 × 480; 37 KB
Sun-touched Troll.jpg 600 × 600; 46 KB
Supply Crate.png 145 × 103; 28 KB
Tales of Yore- Azanulbizar.jpg 502 × 446; 72 KB
Tasks Collection Box.jpg 952 × 829; 472 KB
Temámir's Banner.jpg 197 × 598; 55 KB
The Ancient Cairn.jpg 1,419 × 845; 1.62 MB
The Ancient Inscription.jpg 680 × 848; 763 KB
The Arkenstone 2.jpg 2,560 × 1,440; 1,000 KB
The Arkenstone 3.jpg 1,215 × 1,440; 524 KB
The Arkenstone.jpg 2,560 × 1,440; 842 KB
The Brimful Quiver (Sign).jpg 1,146 × 814; 269 KB
The Elbow's Bend (Sign).jpg 1,043 × 739; 271 KB
The Fox and Fiddle (Sign).jpg 1,257 × 1,002; 417 KB
The Golden Perch Inn.jpg 543 × 602; 51 KB
The Ivy Bush Sign.jpg 242 × 156; 34 KB
The Jewel of Adnâkh.jpg 1,166 × 1,128; 893 KB
The Jewel of Amad.jpg 1,355 × 1,440; 1.47 MB
The Jewel of Amnâd.jpg 991 × 1,307; 1.16 MB
The Jewel of Maral.jpg 1,288 × 1,329; 1.26 MB
The Jewel of Masal.jpg 1,094 × 1,074; 1.02 MB
The Mad Badger Sign.jpg 435 × 327; 27 KB
The Prancing Pony Sign.jpg 2,560 × 1,440; 361 KB
The Quenching Trough.jpg 1,269 × 515; 104 KB
The Roaring Bull (Sign).jpg 1,348 × 970; 329 KB
Thornholt Branches.jpg 770 × 304; 65 KB
Thornhope Emblem.jpg 132 × 210; 27 KB
Three Orc Heads on a Pike Accessory.jpg 900 × 900; 151 KB
Thráin's Banner.jpg 700 × 1,285; 1.07 MB
Thrór's Head.jpg 625 × 580; 237 KB
Tomb Riddle Plaque.JPG 1,920 × 1,080; 418 KB
Treasure Cache.jpg 778 × 592; 163 KB
Turch-lûth (Boar Clan) Statue.jpg 664 × 888; 107 KB
Uch-lûth (Ox Clan) Banner.jpg 664 × 869; 180 KB
Uch-lûth (Ox Clan) Statue.jpg 719 × 700; 198 KB
VoidHole.JPG 523 × 532; 160 KB
Walstow Emblem.jpg 132 × 210; 24 KB
Wildermore Emblem.jpg 136 × 210; 33 KB
Wood Post.jpg 397 × 788; 363 KB
Zhélruka's Banner.jpg 263 × 619; 66 KB
Zigilburk.jpg 703 × 1,073; 699 KB