
Baldor, Prince of Rohan, was the son and heir-apparent of Brego, 2nd King of Rohan. A bold and brash warrior, Baldor went exploring the kingdom with his father, coming across the Harrowdale, and later the Dark Door. The young prince became insatiably curious of what lay within, after the two were offered a riddle by an old man there who forbade them passage. At King Brego's inauguration of the golden hall of Meduseld in T.A. 2569, Baldor rashly proclaimed his desire to pass the Dark Door and travel the Paths of the Dead, which he would do the following year. Baldor the Hapless was never seen again, and King Brego died of a broken heart that very same year. The Kingship would pass to Baldor's younger brother, Aldor the Old.
Centuries later in March of T.A. 3019, Aragorn and the Grey Company came across the remains of a mighty Rohirrim warrior strewn before a great door, clad in golden armor, his sword notched, and his legs hewn from behind. This was the last resting place of Baldor, son of Brego. The company did not linger long, and would continue on to pass into Gondor.
The remains of Baldor can still be found today in the Paths of the Dead, still clad in his golden armor, warning travellers that even now, the dead do not suffer the living. [43.6S, 74.2W]