
The Arkenstone was a great jewel discovered beneath the roots of the Lonely Mountain during the reign of Thráin I and prized by his descendants as the "Heart of the Mountain".
In the centuries after its discovery, the Arkenstone became an heirloom of the Kings of Durin's Folk. It was carried away into the Grey Mountains by Thráin's son, and in time brought back to the Great Hall under the Mountain by his descendant Thrór. When Smaug sacked Erebor, the Arkenstone was lost to the Dwarves of Durin's Folk - it lay among Smaug's booty in the halls of Erebor.
Many years later, when Thorin Oakenshield led a band of Dwarves to recover their ancient city, their companion Bilbo Baggins discovered the Arkenstone, but kept his discovery secret. Later, when the Lake-men and Wood-elves came to demand their own shares of Smaug's treasure from Thorin, Bilbo delivered the Arkenstone to them to bargain with. After the Battle of Five Armies, the gem was placed on the breast of Thorin in his tomb beneath Erebor. There it still rests.
Quest Involvement
The Black Book of Mordor: