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Mirkwood Area Anduin

Is there really an area in Mirkwood called Anduin? I know it says it on the map and all, but the area seems to be called Mirk-eaves. At no point does it display "Anduin" under the Mini-map, and the Deed log also refers to "Mirk-eaves". However, we're treating them as distinct areas on the wiki, giving them each a link in the overview box for Mirkwood under "areas". I'd propose just treating it as a label of the river itself and not some area.

--Elgileth (talk) 12:17, 9 April 2020 (UTC)

I have just done a refresh of all the Mirkwood locations, and agree with Elgilth. It is not an area, it is just a name on the Mirkwood map. I will correct and remove from the grouping of Mirkwood areas. Noddi (talk) 09:27, 27 August 2020 (UTC)