Quest:Gain and Glory: Assist the Rich

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Gain and Glory: Assist the Rich
Level 6
Type Solo
Starts with Mara Sandydowns
Starts at Winter-home
Start Region Frostbluff
Map Ref [Coordinate 11.9S is off the map (bottom is 10.8N)]
Ends with Winston Goodnough
Ends at Winter-home
End Region Frostbluff
Map Ref [Coordinate 12.1S is off the map (bottom is 10.8N)]
Quest Group Frostbluff
Quest Text

Bestowal dialogue

'I'll give you the short of it: the mayor is feeling a little suspicious of the workers and wants someone to spy on them to see what's afoot. What you make of this is for you to decide, but I would talk to the mayor if I were you. See if what he has to say is to your liking.

WARNING: The rewards for both of these mutually-exclusive quests are UNIQUE to each quest. Please choose your quest carefully!


Sometimes you put yourself before others, even when those others have great need. The reward is often worth it!

NOTE: This quest will be removed from your quest log when the current festival ends.

Objective 1

  • Find out what the mayor wants from you

The mayor stands in the centre of Winter-home, overseeing the events of the Yule Festival.

You should speak with the mayor and find out what he wants from you, though it sounds like he has a sleazy scheme brewing.

Winston Goodnough: '<name>, I hear you're interested in some fine clothing. You have good taste! If you help me, I'll see that you're wearing the finest style that Winter-home has to offer.
'I need your help, you see. When I came into my mayorship, I ignorantly put town money into unstable investments. I let go may workers, but the town is still in trouble. That's why the festival is here -- to raise money!
'I keep promising them that the festival will help the town, which will let them have their normal wages back. But first I must use the festival profits to get out of my own debt. A southerner told me that there is a very promising investment to be made in a war that seems to be brewing in faraway lands.
'Sadly, the festival didn't raise enough for me to invest properly, so I need to cut back on the workforce again. Can you get some dirt on any disloyal workers? I hear that they trust you....'
The mayor wants you to betray the workers...and the price is right!

Objective 2

Gareth Rust is in the workers' area in Winter-town, toiling unhappily with his fellow workers.

You should try to get some dirt on Gareth Rust, as his negativity makes him a candidate for being let go.

Gareth Rust: 'Oh, if it isn't the mayor's particular friend! I'm surprised he hasn't adopted you as part of the Goodnough family. That's right -- I saw you talking at length with the mayor.
'I've nothing to say to you. Now, if you'll excuse me, I have work to do.'
Gareth Rust does not trust you now

Objective 3

Daley Utteridge stands near the Gareth Rust in the workers' area.

You should see if Daley Utteridge will trust you enough to speak of the workers' unhappiness to an outsider.

Daley Utteridge: 'Ah, <name>. I am terribly sorry for the way my friend Gareth just spoke to you. He is very unhappy, you see. Many folks are, and it troubles my heart.
'Nay, don't listen to ramblings. It is just the heaviness of winter that troubles me. I do not wish to burden you while you're visiting our town. Please, go back and enjoy the festivities!'
Daley Utteridge is reluctant to tell you anything incriminating, but he might be persuadable....

Objective 4

  • Talk to Daley Utteridge -- maybe he will talk back

Daley Utteridge is in the workers' area of Winter-home.

You should try to persuade Daley Utteridge to tell you more so that the mayor will have the information he seeks.

To perform an emote, select your target and type the required emote in your chat window. (Example: '/cheer')

You talk conversationally with Daley Utteridge, but he does not say anything helpful

Objective 5

  • Offer comfort and pat Daley Utteridge on the head

Daley Utteridge is in the workers' area of Winter-home.

You should try to persuade Daley Utteridge to tell you more so that the mayor will have the information he seeks.

To perform an emote, select your target and type the required emote in your chat window. (Example: '/cheer')

Daley Utteridge appreciates the comfort, but he does not wish to share his woes

Objective 6

  • Sigh your sympathy to Daley Utteridge

Daley Utteridge is in the workers' area of Winter-home.

You should try to persuade Daley Utteridge to tell you more so that the mayor will have the information he seeks.

To perform an emote, select your target and type the required emote in your chat window. (Example: '/cheer')

Daley Utteridge appreciates your sympathy and opens up

Objective 7

  • See if Daley Utteridge will tell you anything useful

Daley Utteridge is in the workers' area of Winter-home.

You should speak with Daley Utteridge and see if he will share the information the mayor seeks.

Daley Utteridge: 'I appreciate you sympathy, <name>. I think talking to you might help to ease my mind, for I can see that you have a good soul.
'You see, my friend Gareth recently found a stray paper after Guard Frostway from the town vault came to make his nightly collection for the store-house. Gareth kept the fallen record, though I told him he should return it to Guard Frostway, and he read its contents.
'I am sure he must be mistaken, but he claims that the mayor has made some very unsavoury investments of the town's money, and that is why we work as hard as we do, for so little, and why so many folks are out of work.
'I couldn't believe it, <name>. I am sure Gareth read it wrong. He is angry though...I do not know what he means to do.'
Apparently, Gareth Rust is in possession of records of the mayor's incriminating transactions....

Objective 8

  • Tell Mayor Goodnough everything you learned from Daley Utteridge

The mayor is in the centre of town among the festival patrons.

You should tell the Mayor Goodnough what Daley Utteridge told you concerning Gareth Rust and the record of unsavoury transactions that now lies in his hands.

Winston Goodnough: 'Gareth Rust found my records? And Daley Utteridge told you, a visitor, all about it? Surely he means to blackmail me. It seems you caught them just in time, for it looks as though they meant to expose me in front of everyone. Well, they will both be sorry!
'One more favour, if you please, <name>. I would ask you to meet me outside of town for some unpleasant business regarding this little issue you've uncovered.
'There is a summons-horn in the woods. Use it when you're ready, and I'll come to you. I'll send word to the workers to heed the call as well. I'm afraid there shall be a bit of a confrontation....'

Objective 9

  • Use the summoning horn to call the mayor and protect him from the workers' wrath

The mayor wishes for you to meet the two workers in the woods south-east of town.

When you are ready, you should go to the woods and summon the mayor and the workers using the town's Summoning Horn.

Winston Goodnough says, 'Thank you for agreeing to meet. I have sent word to the workers... They should be arriving shortly, at which point I will need your assistance.'
Daley Utteridge says, 'Good day, Mayor.'
Gareth Rust says, 'Why do you waste your breath on civility, Daley? They are not worthy of it.'
Winston Goodnough says, 'I expect no better from a troublemaker like you, Rust. But Utteridge! You? Telling your lies to our good patrons? Smearing my reputation to our guests? I am afraid it is unpardonable. You are both relieved of your employment in this town!'
Gareth Rust says, 'Curse you, Goodnough! I've nothing to lose -- I'll make you rue your greedy ways! Spiteful! Detestable!'
Gareth Rust says, 'I knew we were wrong to ever trust you, <name>! What is the mayor giving you for the troubles? How many loaves of bread could be bought with your reward, eh?'
Gareth Rust says, 'Spiteful! Detestable!'
Gareth Rust says, 'Bah! Enough of this.'
You have defended yourself against the workers' anger, and taken the stolen records back from Gareth Rust
Gareth Rust says, 'You were wise in your choice of protector, Mayor. Come, Daley; there is nothing for us here....'
Daley Utteridge says, 'You're right, Gareth. We will be better off, now, I think. Nothing is worth the folly we have seen today.'
Winston Goodnough says, 'Ha! That went better than I expected. Thank you, friend. Let us meet again in town, and I'll give you due payment for your services!'
Winston Goodnough says, 'Let us meet again in town, and I'll give you due payment for your services!'

Objective 10

  • Return the records of corruption to Mayor Goodnough to receive your reward

Mayor Goodnough is in Winter-home in Frostbluff, awaiting news of your success in the Festival Square.

You should speak with the mayor now that you have helped save his reputation and return the stolen records.

Winston Goodnough: 'Ha! You showed them, <name>. That was well done. Now I'll surely have enough money for this new investment, thanks to what I'll save from having to pay those two ingrates.
'As promised, here is your lavish reward. I appreciate everything you've done here!'
WARNING: This is your last chance to choose another path, and the other set of rewards.