Quest:Book 8, Chapter 5: Surrounded

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Level 105
Type Solo
Starts with Aragorn
Starts at Eastern Slag-hill
Start Region Battle of the Morannon
Map Ref [35.3S, 3.5W]
Ends with Prince Imrahil
Ends at Western Slag-hill
End Region Battle of the Morannon
Map Ref [35.4S, 4.0W]
Quest Chain Vol. IV. Book 8
Quest Text

Bestowal dialogue

The Black Gate has opened, and the armies of Mordor stream forth from Sauron's lands, seeking to put an end to those of us who vex him still. This is where we will make our stand!

'Sauron's warriors have formed a ring around the slag hills, <name>. Fight them as they approach, and keep them from advancing! Stand with our friends and allies, and aid them as you can! We must hold out for as long as we are able!'


The Host of the West has been surrounded by the armies of Mordor and must now fight for its survival.

Objective 1

  • Defeat enemies at the Battle of the Morannon (0/4)

Orcs and Uruks have formed a ring around the slag hills, surrounding the Host of the West. Aragorn has asked you to defeat your foes and aid your friends and allies as best you can.

Objective 2

  • Talk to Daervunn on the eastern edge of the battle

Daervunn fights on the south-eastern edge of the eastern slag hill.

Daervunn says, "Fight on, Dúnedain! Fight on, my brothers!"
Daervunn: 'Is this to be the last battle, <name>? My heart tells me this is so, and though it be a sorrowful thing I will be glad to see the end of war-time, and to have a rest.
'A palpable hit, and another! I find no joy in battle, my friend, but I find that I am uncommonly good at it, truly! I will use that skill to defend the men at my side, until my last breath is stolen by some lucky stroke!
'Fight onward, <name>! Make our foes pay for the evils they have done, and hope still to do!'

Objective 3

  • Defeat enemies at the Battle of the Morannon (0/4)

Orcs and Uruks have formed a ring around the slag hills, surrounding the Host of the West. Aragorn has asked you to defeat your foes and aid your friends and allies as best you can.

More foes surge from the line!

Objective 4

  • Talk to Lothrandir on the eastern edge of the battle

Lothrandir is shouting words of support and guidance to the men of the line on the eastern side of the battle.

Lothrandir says, "We will stand tall, for we stand on the side of Right!"
Lothrandir: 'Stand fast, men! They seek to cow us with their numbers, but each of us is worth a dozen of their mindless thralls!
'My limbs are heavy and my breath short, <name>, but I will do what I can to support Aragorn and my kinsmen.
'Fight on! Fight on!'

Objctive 5

  • Defeat enemies at the Battle of the Morannon (0/2)

Orcs and Uruks have formed a ring around the slag hills, surrounding the Host of the West. Aragorn has asked you to defeat your foes and aid your friends and allies as best you can.

Mighty Ologs stride forth, bellowing with rage!

Objective 6

  • Talk to Gimli on the north-eastern slope of the eastern slag hill

You hear the battle-cries of Gimli the Dwarf coming from the north-eastern side of the eastern slag hill.

Gimli says, "Any foes that you miss will fall beneath my axe, Legolas!"
Gimli: 'I see that you have already slain your share of Orcs, <name>! Legolas has also cut an impressive swath, but he tells me his supply of arrows will not last long. Perhaps you can help him with this?
'The battle has only just begun, but there is no need to worry about our respective tallies this time. There will be plenty of foes for all of us!'

Objective 7

  • Talk to Legolas on the north-eastern slope of the eastern slag hill

Legolas fights alongside Gimli on the north-eastern side of the eastern slag hill.

Legolas: 'I have enough arrows for the moment, but Gimli is right: my supply will run low soon if the tide of enemies does not slow!
'Many archers of Gondor and Rohan have already fallen to the arrows of Mordor; some of their quivers remain full, or nearly so. Go to the archery lines and look for our fallen unfortunates. If you return to me with a number of their full quivers I will be able to maintain my current pace, and continue to support Gimli with my bow.
'I thank you for undertaking this helpful task, grim though it may seem!'

Objective 8

  • Collect full quivers from the fallen in the ranks of archers (0/6)

Lines of archers fire into the enemy ranks from their position on the slag hills. Look for full quivers by the bodies of men who have fallen, and gather them for Legolas.

Objective 9

  • Bring a supply of full quivers to Legolas on the north-eastern slope of the eastern slag hill

Legolas fights alongside Gimli on the north-eastern side of the eastern slag hill.

You collected a number of full quivers to return to Legolas.

Legolas: 'Thank you, my friend. Set the quivers at my feet and I will use them as the need arises.'
You place the quivers of arrows at Legolas's feet and he nods with satisfaction, but his eyes never leave the line of battle.
'I heard Aragorn shouting his commands from the top of the slag hill to the south-west, <name>. Climb the hill and see if you can aid him!'

Objective 10

  • Talk to Aragorn on top of the eastern slag hill

Aragorn is atop the eastern slag hill.

Aragorn says, "Our position here is fair, but things turn ill at the western hill."
Aragorn: 'We have held the line of battle for now, keeping our foes from ascending the eastern hill, but it seems that our foes have redoubled their efforts to take the western hill.
'We are hard-pressed and can spare no man, but someone must go to the western hill and keep it from being taken! Can you go to the aid of Imrahil with haste enough, <name>? I know you can! Fight your way to the slope of the western hill, and help the Prince of Dol Amroth throw back the tide!'
The western slag hill comes under fierce attack!

Objective 11

  • Fight your way to Prince Imrahil on the south-eastern slope of the western slag hill

Prince Imrahil is hard-pressed on the slopes of the western slag hill, before the Black Gate.

Aragorn has asked you to fight your way across the battlefield to the western slag hill, where you must come to the aid of Prince Imrahil.

Prince Imrahil: ' <name>! The fighting here goes poorly, but with you here, my spirits are lifted!'