Talk:The Lost Trail of the Entwash

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Why is the list of cairn locations oriented from north to south? Normally, a player would be completing this deed as they complete the A Trail in the EntwashBack on One's Feet/Hobbling Homeward quest sequence, possibly in parallel with the Entwash Greens repeatable. In those cases, the approach would normally be from the south. The only scenario in which players would be coming form the north is if, after completing all of the quests in Beacon Hills, and going back later for the deeds, they chose to enter Beacon Hills from East Wall (Amon Hen), but even that seems unlikely, since it's not any faster to get to the northernmost cairn that way, from an arbitrary starting-point, than to get to the southernmost cairn via Minas Tirith and Ost Rimmon (I'm assuming, that at that point in the content, folks would have a port directly to Minas Tirith).

I think this list would be more useful (easier for the player to follow) with a south-to-north orientation. I'm happy to rearrange it that way, if desired.