Social:The Lord of the Drinks dk

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People - join The Lord of the Drinks

The Story Untold …

As every story of great deeds, it all starts as something without any importance at all ….

Who could guessed that bringing a few casks of ale and beer from The Shire to Bree, would be the starting point of a guard of men and fellows that soon would be entangled in the fight between good and evil?

Well, for what ever reason, 2 sons of a nearby farmer was sitting at a table and trying to drown their sorrows in the bottom of a jar. Nearby a elvish hunter listen in, more and more interested, tapping his finger waiting for a certain singer to go live at the ‘Pony’.

The 2 brothers was discussing the recent event of a pack of wargs attacking their heard of sheep at their fathers farm south east of Bree. The older brother – Bladnach – had a nasty scar across his face to show for everyone interested and the second brother – Rorimacy was cursing of the poor performance of the local city guards. ‘They never patrol our lands anyway – we are left to the mercy of villains and creeps!’ the brothers argued.

The innkeeper, Barliman Butterbur, always loyal to the local Mayor and his troops, well, let’s say he was not as happy as he used to be. Having lost valuable goods underway from The Shire for some time now, and with his profitable trade with The Forsaken Inn, in the Lonelands east of Bree, being cut off also – well, he mostly agreed with the 2 brothers.

‘Free drinks on the house!’ he declared – and people start to move chairs to the table.. The Mirkwood elf also moved close to the brothers.

Well, you know how it is …. With free drinks, soon the Spirits starts to talk, and most of it was rabble. But the Elf kept his mind clear, and whispered into Bladnach’s ear ‘Why don’t you ask this generous innkeeper to form a local guard, patrolling outside Bree – I am sure he will pay you well?’

The Elf not being as most of his kin, was bored doing nothing else than eat and drink, and occasionally listen to good music. Many years since he have seen any action against the evil that was present every where, only exception being the killing of stray orcs in the Mirkwood.

During that dark, druken night at the ‘Prancing Pony’ in Bree, a strong alliance was mended between men and elf. Too many locals did shake their head, and didn’t envy the small party leaving for The Shire a few days later …

The humble band took their way towards The Shire, and passing The Old Forest they bumped into 3 crazed dwarfs, Gimra, Slain & Gotrix. Over the campfire they saw Bladnach touching his warg wound on his cheek, and popped the question. ‘Which vile creatures do that kind of scratch’ asked Gimra, a slaying type of dwarfs that loved scars of high legacy.

‘Wargs, damned Wargs, I really hate them, and them me!’ replied Bladnach. The dark fire was lit in the eye of the Dwarf, and as the night falled – the whispering amongst the 3 dwarves was intense. Next morning the 3 dwarves bowed before Bladnach, and offered their axes and assistance. The surprised captain happily accepted the double of his band.

And then the final stage to The Shire across the Brandy Wine bridge, though the small towns towards the Michel Delving. This strange fellowship of men, elf and dwarves was looked upon suspiciously by the hobbits. But they visited every Inn and Tavern on their way, and told that they would guard the next transport of ales, beer and wine out of The Shire.

‘So’ said Bladnach ‘If you good people need some goods from Michel Delving, we will be delighted to supply you on our way back to Bree!’

As you know Hobbits are practical folks, and if someone offers their service to make it easier to eat and drink, none the least, well, you are in business. And so it happened.

The delivery of the first shipment of ales, beer and wines from The Shire to Bree was soon a fact, and after some time, weeks and months – the local ‘Beverage Guard’ as people named them in Bree, was famed beyond the borders of Breeland.

Funny was it that outside of Breeland, these drinking guardians was know as The Lord Of The Drinks – as they really ruled the roads around Bree, The Shire, The Lonelands and Trestlebridge.

From a humble start to glory, as it happened that even Master Elrond of Rivendell, asked for their services – and then soon the road was open for Angmar, the Mines of Moria and beyond.

See that a story unheard of in these parts of the world. But a story it is - and you can be part of that story - and make history.

So, dear reader, understand now that everybody can join this crazed group of MiddelEarthlings that defends the roads against all evil to secure proper and steadily flow of beer, ales, wine and spirits between the cities and townships of the north westerly Eriador.

Well – as you might agree on, not the most hour able history of a kin, but the inn keepers of Bree, Trestlebridge and the numerous taverns of the Shire - felt something had to be done. Angmar - and even Mordor can send evil creatures and kill innocent people in the wilderness - but a steadily flow of drinks needs to be secured. If not - a civil rising would be the result - and for many - that even exceeds the fear of the Dark Lord Sauron.

So - to keep this story short - The Lord Of The Drinks (both DK and EU) - is a Brotherhood of Women and Men that secured the roads against all evil. Hired by innkeepers in MiddelEarth - and respected to be honourable people, that will enjoy a dram or two to celebrate the defeat of evil.

You can now join that Brotherhood – to the best of MiddelEarth!

We salute your decision …. What ever that might be …

The Lord Of The Drinks in short:

2 kinships One 100% Danish - The Lord Of The Drinks dk One International - The Lord Of The Drinks EU

Both Rank 10 kins with kinshiphouses in Lightgard, Bree

Crafters of highest quality, kinship valuts, raiding system and love for Tolkiens Universe.

Website: [1]

Interkin forum: [2] for our Raid Alliance - the 6kin Alliance

Sponsored by: MAC Y AS ([3])- the Danish Supplier of High Quality Spirits.

The Lord of the Drinks is open to every class and race. You are also allowed to have more than one character in the Kinship.

If you want to join our Kinship - sent an e-mail to - or sent a Tell to Blacnach in game.

Server: Eldar (EN)

Founder/Leader: Bladnach – Captain

--Bladnach 12:19, 26 July 2007 (PDT)