Social:Eldar i Silelen

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Eldar i Silelen was an elf-only, lore-based roleplaying kinship on the Laurelin server. It has been disbanded.

Eldar i Silelen (meaning Elves of the Shining Star) were a detatchment of the house of Elodu, who were based in Lindon, the detatchment was an envoy sent to Imladris to aid Elrond in the war with Angmar. Elrond sent the envoy to aid with the dispute with the dwarves in Ered Luin...


The storyline as we lived out the further events in our history. The hierarchy of the kinship was based on a family line, similar to the lines of the Noldor and houses of the Sindar in Beleriand, in the Silmarillion. Thus the leader of the kinship was the eldest with his children next in line from eldest to youngest, or his brother if there were no heir among his children (in-game, all those who are within the next level of the family tree from the leader would be officers, usually the children of the leader).

The kinship had no level requirements; the only requirements were to be of elvish race, and be willing to roleplay occassionally.

Founding Officers

Eledain, Mithiel, Galidor, Liadriel

The Story of House Elodu

The Story at Eldar i Silelen's wiki.