Quest:Hubo Clayhanger and His Tales of Wonder

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Hubo Clayhanger and His Tales of Wonder
Level 20
Type Solo
Starts with Hubo Clayhanger
Starts at The Fox and Fiddle
Start Region The Yondershire
Map Ref [27.2S, 78.9W]
Ends with Hubo Clayhanger
Ends at Hubo Clayhanger's House
End Region The Yondershire
Map Ref [26.7S, 79.2W]
Quest Group Yondershire
Quest Text

Bestowal Dialogue

'Why, hullo there! I have not seen you before, which can only mean one thing: you do not live in the village!

'I knew it! I may spend most of my time right here in The Fox and Fiddle, but I have found that news has a way of collecting in taverns better than anywhere else. What brings you to Nobottle? An adventurer, you say? Oh ho! I am something of an adventurer myself!

'You simply must come back to my home. You can view my collection of books and regale me with tales of your most interesting and exciting adventures!'


Hubo Clayhanger, both a loyal patron of The Fox and Fiddle and a budding author, wishes to hear of your many daring heroics and wondrous adventures.

Objective 1

Hubo Clayhanger's home can be found in the village of Nobottle.

You should travel to Hubo Clayhanger's home to further discuss your adventures over a cup of tea.

Books fill most of the rooms in Hubo Clayhanger's home.
Hubo Clayhanger says, "Come in! Come in! Make yourself at home while I finish preparing some tea for us!"

Objective 2

  • Peruse Hubo Clayhanger's books (0/5)

Hubo Clayhanger's home can be found in the village of Nobottle.

You should peruse some of Hubo Clayhanger's books while he prepares tea.

[Book]: "The Wonders of Wellstones" by Hubo Clayhanger
This book seems to have been started some time ago, but it remains unfinished.
[Book]: "A Bounder's Life for Me" by Bandobras Took
This book is an old chronicle of Bounder tales, apparently written by Bullroarer himself.
[Book]: "The Perfect Sward: How to Tend Your Yard" By Hamfast Gamgee
This old book appears to be a guide to gardening for beginners.
[Book]: "Out of the Bounds: Maps of the Shire Proper and the Yondershire" by Fredegar Bolger
This book contains many maps of the Shire with boundary markings and other annotations.
[Book]: "High Stalks: The History of Pipe-weed" by Ludo Grubb
This book would be a fine read for anyone looking to grow pipe-weed.

Objective 3

  • Have a cup of tea with Hubo Clayhanger

Hubo Clayhanger's home can be found in the village of Nobottle.

You should have a cup of tea with Hubo Clayhanger.

Hubo Clayhanger says, "Tea's ready!"

Objective 4

  • Talk to Hubo Clayhanger about his unfinished book"

Hubo Clayhanger's home can be found in the village of Nobottle.

You should talk to Hubo Clayhanger about his unfinished book.

Hubo Clayhanger: 'Oh ho, you found my book! Yes, it's true: I am writing a book about the history of the Wellstones. They are ruins found in Yondershire! Some called the ruins Bâr Faroth. Have you visited them?'