Quest:Feather for His Cap

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Feather for His Cap
Faction Creep
Level 150
Type Solo
Starts at Tirith Rhaw
Starts with Taskmaster Núrsufum
[17.6S, 14.5W]
Ends at Tirith Rhaw
Ends with Taskmaster Núrsufum
[17.6S, 14.5W]
Money Reward 20 Silver 14 Copper 
Rank change Increased Infamy (40)
Commendations 100 Commendations
Repeatable Daily
Quest Chain Tírith Rhaw Creep
Quest Text

Bestowal Dialogue

'Feathers... good... crown.

'Get feathers... or smash you.'


Not all who rise to military prominence are capable of complete conversations. Trolls, known for their strength, sometimes manage small words. For instance, Taskmaster Núrsufum. Apparently, Taskmaster Núrsufum likes to place feathers in his helmet and wants you to go about getting the feathers he desires.

Objective 1

Sun-touched Eagles are found throughout the Coldfells and sections of Arador's End.

Taskmaster Núrsufum wants you to get him tailfeathers for his helm.

Objective 2

Sun-touched eagles are found throughout the Coldfells and sections of Arador's End.

Taskmaster Núrsufum wants you to get him tailfeathers for his helm.

Taskmaster Núrsufum: 'You get me feathers!'