Hastener of Fate

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<name>, Hastener of Fate
Grouped under: Deed
You are a friend to both the dwarves of the Iron Garrison and the Elves of the Golden Host, and have hastened the successful arrival of their respective victories.
Complete the deed Epilogue: Of Elves and Dwarves
Complete Epilogue: Zigilburk Returned
Complete Epilogue: Sigileth's Knives
Complete Epilogue: Ningloril
Complete Epilogue: Laeglang
Complete Epilogue: Alfirimbes
Complete Epilogue: Greyhammers
Complete Epilogue: Cúcheron's Bow
Complete Epilogue: Achardor's Fate
Complete Epilogue: Barvessain
Complete Epilogue: Braiglinn
Complete Epilogue: Issuriel's Flower
Complete Epilogue: Gorothúl of Dol Guldur