Gath Forthnír dialogues

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The NPCs of Gath Forthnír will often speak when approached. The exact dialogue depends on your progress in the Epic- there is one set used prior to completing Book 7, Chapter 8, one used between 7.8 and 8.4, and another after completing 8.5.

Before The Gates of Carn Dûm

Rangers (Thoriel, Húriel, Lunathron):

  • "Beware the Nimwaith, friend. They have been enslaved for so long that all that was good in them is no more."
  • "There are many poor souls who are forced to slave in Carn Dûm's pits."
  • "I hope more of my brethren come from Esteldín to help us..."
  • "Lorniel is convinced that her father, Golodir, is alive. I am not so sure..."
  • "You have brought a much-needed supply to Gath Forthnír, friend... you have brought hope!"
  • "I had thought no one would ever be able to cross Rammas Deluon... and yet here you are!"
    • Thoriel keeps this dialogue even when the rest of Gath Forthnír moves on to different lines

Dwarves (Thorth, Throst):

  • "I do hope my cousins in Gabilshathûr are safe."
  • "I never thought I'd see the day when I'd be working with Elves and Men!"
  • "Be careful, the Iron Crown has eyes everywhere!"
  • "Seeing you brings me hope... hope like I knew when Golodir was here."
  • "It's a fine sight to see a fresh face here!"
  • "They say that the Iron Crown is looking for relics from the ancient days in Nan Gurth."


  • "The shadow hangs heavy here, yet even here, hope can be found."
  • "The Enemy is strong, to be sure, but his pride shall lead to his fall!"
  • "Whatever you do, make sure the Iron Crown never learns of Gath Forthnír!"


  • "Some of my kin think Golodir misled and betrayed us, but I know that is not true."
  • "I shudder to think what will happen to my people if we fail here."
  • "It has been far too long since I have seen my kin in Aughaire."
  • "At times it seems that our struggle against the Iron Crown is beyond hope..."
  • "Lorniel has done well for us in her father's stead."


  • "Take care that you are not seen coming into our camp. The Enemy has eyes everywhere."
  • "I was alongside Glorfindel and Eärnur when Angmar fell. I know I shall see it fall again."
  • "The Enemy corrupts and twists all it touches. Beware that you are not touched by it."


  • "All here in Gath Forthnír have suffered greatly at the hands of the Enemy. Some moreso than others..."
  • "I have been friends with Golodir for many years and have known of his exploits longer. I know he lives."
  • "We have been hard pressed by the Enemy for many years. It has taken a toll on all here, but none so much as Lorniel."
  • "So Corunir survives as well and continues the fight? I am pleased to hear this."


  • "Once my father is found and freed, the Iron Crown shall be toppled!"
  • "Another ally in our fight against the Iron Crown is always welcome!"
  • "It has been long and difficult here without my father's guiding hand."

After The Gates of Carn Dûm


  • "If only I had done more... if only I had gone in her place..."


  • "Golodir is returned, but he is not the man I once knew. There is no hope for my people."

Éa (at Tármunn Súrsa):

  • "Lorniel's determination was like a fire that kindled hope in all our hearts. Now that hope is extinguished..."


  • "Lorniel was as a sister to me. I do not know if I shall ever get over the pain of losing her."


  • "She was all I had... all I had in the world..."
  • "Why did I ever come to his accursed realm?"
  • "Mordirith was right... he was right..."
  • "Leave me be..."

Gormal (at Tármunn Súrsa):

  • "Golodir is returned to us, but at such a cost..."


  • "I wished Golodir to be free... to be returned to us... but not in exchange for Lorniel! Never that!"
  • "Why? Why did she have to die? Curse Mordirith! May he fall beyond the Void!"


  • "Golodir's pain is not unknown to me. I, too, lost a daughter to Angmar, long ago..."


  • "It seems like just yesterday that Lorniel and I were children running through Esteldín... now she is gone..."

Táni (at Tármunn Súrsa):

  • "The Dwarves of Gabilshathûr shall not forget Lorniel. No, a great statue will be erected in her name!"


  • "I fear Golodir shall never recover from Lorniel's death."


  • "The Iron Crown shall pay for Lorniel's death! Mark my words!"

After Mordirith's Fall


  • "I never thought the day would come! The False King has fallen!"


  • "Although the False King was but a link in the shackles that bind my people, I know now that one day the shackles of slavery shall be utterly broken, forever!"

Éa (at Tármunn Sursa):

  • "The victory was bought at a great cost, yet no price is too high to pay if it results in the downfall of the Iron Crown!"


  • "You have done well in restoring Golodir's hope and avenging Lorniel's death. Thank you."


  • "Thank you for bringing me back to the realm of the living, <name>. My grief is not now so terrible."
  • "Mordirith has been defeated, but only for a time. Still, it is a reprieve."

Gormal (at Tármunn Súrsa):

  • "To face so great an enemy and defeat him. Such strength does not dwell within me... we are honoured to have one such as you aid us."


  • "Hope has returned. The spirit of Lorniel's father has been restored. I think Lorniel would be happy...yes, I know she would!"
  • "Through the long years here, hiding, I had about given up hope of us ever striking such a blow against the Iron Crown. Yet, Mordirith has fallen."


  • "Mordirith's defeat is a great victory, but do not be mistaken: the war against Angmar is not yet won."


  • "The factions of Angmar will fall into infighting now that the Witch-king's Steward has been defeated!"

Táni (at Tármunn Súrsa):

  • "Mordirith's defeat is but the first blow in our war against Angmar! Soon the Iron Crown will be toppled, and my kin will be free of them!"


  • "<name>! The bane of Mordirith! You victory shall never be forgotten! Never!"


  • "<name>! Thank you. Thank you for avenging Lorniel's death. She was a fine girl... you've done well by her name!"