Tooltip Implementation
This document outlines how the tooltips are implemented on this site. It explains how they work and the design intent behind them.
Initial Implementation (Historic)
Initial implementation was a port from the .js wiki extension pages at
There were 7 pages that made up this JavaScript port:
First port/implementation was done by User:Eleazaros and loaded, in the same format, as sub-pages off of his user page. Here are the original "working" port code pieces.
A simple loader function that loads each of the pices of the code.
// From
See Help:Tooltips
Calls, in order:
// default setting to turn tooltips on
var tooltipsOn = true;
// individual tooltip controls, defaulted to on
var itemTooltips = true;
var npcTooltips = true;
var questTooltips = true;
var coordTooltips = true;
var quickTooltips = true;
function loadJS(jn) {
document.write('<script type="text/javascript" src="' + jn + '&action=raw&ctype=text/javascript&dontcountme=s&smaxage=18000"></scr' + 'ipt>');
function performTooltips() {
if (tooltipsOn) {
if (itemTooltips || npcTooltips || questTooltips || coordTooltips || quickTooltips) loadJS("User:Eleazaros/core.js");
if (itemTooltips) loadJS("User:Eleazaros/itemtooltip.js");
if (npcTooltips) loadJS("User:Eleazaros/npctooltip.js");
if (questTooltips) loadJS("User:Eleazaros/questtooltip.js");
if (coordTooltips) loadJS("User:Eleazaros/coords.js");
if (quickTooltips) loadJS("User:Eleazaros/quicktooltip.js");