Rescue in Nûrz Ghâshu (Deed)
(Redirected from Rescue in Nûrz Gâshu (Deed))
Deed Lore
- The Rift of Nûrz Ghâshu is a place where a man goes alone only if he has no wish of returning....
To complete this deed perform the following objective(s)
- Defeat Narubras
- The fire spirit Narubras was one of the remaining servants of Morgoth still dwelling in the deeps of Middle-earth.
- Defeat Gormalith
- The Angmarim sorceress Gormalith sought to summon the servants of Thaurlach to the aid of the Iron Crown.
- Defeat Gháshglob
- Gháshglob was a mighty captain of the Ghâshfra.
- Defeat Morfuin
- The nameless things which dwell in the depths of Nûrz Ghâshu are terrible to behold.
- Defeat Snagtalún
- The Ghâshfra have brought with them a new breed of troll created to traverse the molten depths of the Rift.
- Defeat Lúgryn
- Lúgryn is one of the lesser spawn of Scátha the Worm.
- Defeat Nurnor
- Nurnor is the mightiest of the spawn of Scátha the Worm, dwelling now within the Rift of Nûrz Ghâshu.
- Defeat Cefrog
- Fire spirits and earth spirits in the service of the Enemy dwell now in the deep places of the world, not the least of which is the caerog Cefrog.
<name>, Rescuer of Nûrz Ghâshu |
Additional Information
- This deed is available at level 30.
- This deed contributes to the Skirmisher of Middle-earth meta-deed.