Quest Talk:An Ill Wind Blows

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Bestowal dialogue

'I have thought long on what is to be done, <name>.

'Vethúg Wintermind is an old foe of Durin's Folk, and he was known to us long before Smaug. He drove my forefathers from the halls of the Grey Mountains and left their kingdom a frozen ruin. Such a fate will not befall Erebor! We will not suffer our home to be taken from us again!

'We are stronger now than when Smaug and Bolg brought devastation and war to our lands, and old hatreds do not divide us as they once did!

'You have done many great deeds for Durin's Folk, my friend. And here now is a task befitting such a warrior! I would ask that you travel the lands of the North, and gather the resources of each of its peoples. We shall have need to share them if the battle is to be won.

'Swiftly now, <name>!'

King Thorin III: 'Hah! I am sorry for my little joke, <name>.
'You have always been eager to help those in need, and I should not deny you that. There are peoples enough in each of the Kingdoms of the North to prepare our defences and fill our stores, and they shall handle such tasks.
'As for you, my friend, you have become something of an emissary to the peoples of the North. I would ask that you inform Queen Erna, Master Dagrun, and King Thranduil of the coming battles. Assure them that the Dwarves of Erebor will stand with them in the coming battles, and that our friendships must be held close in such times.
'When you have done as I have asked, return to me at once.'