Quest:The Fushaum Resolution

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The Fushaum Resolution
Level 112
Type Solo
Start Region Talath Úrui
Quest Text

Bestowal dialogue


The encampment of Fushaum Bal is a lawless home to evil men once under command of Sauron.

Objective 1

  • Reach a Neutral standing with Fushaum Bal North
  • Reach a Neutral standing with Fushaum Bal South

In order to turn the various factions in Fushaum Bal against each other, you will need to earn their favor first.

Objective 2

You should talk to Thâng or Khirgi.

  • Dialogue with Khirgi, the Hunter
'{your name}, I am furious! I expected little resistance from those holding out in the southern end of Fushaum. Instead they prove most difficult and are impeding my rise to power! My reclamation of Fushaum Tum is slipping from my grasp!'
'Now, Thâng and Mâlatuk seek a meeting with me. This may be an opportunity to finally sever their hold. Come with me to the meeting. You may prove most useful.'
  • Dialogue with Thâng, the Knife
'{your name}, the situation here has worsened. You have done much to assist us. We have only one option left. We must meet with Khirgi and reason with him. Perhaps you could act as our mediator. Join us on the bridge.'

Note: completing either of these dialogues travels to the Instance: The Fushaum Bal Resolution. Successful completion of the instance returns you to Magh Ashtu to talk to Thurindol.

Objective 3

  • Talk to Thurindol

Thurindol can be found on the border of Talath Úrui and Dor Amarth.

Completion dialogue

'You have done much to lessen the foothold of these lawless men gathered in Mordor. They will indeed not pose a threat in the future. We all celebrate you for your efforts.'