Quest:A Bumpy Road

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A Bumpy Road
Level 38
Type Solo
Starts with Bainthir
Starts at Echad Candelleth
Start Region Trollshaws
Map Ref [36.8S, 14.2W]
Ends with Bainthir
Ends at Echad Candelleth
End Region Trollshaws
Map Ref [36.8S, 14.2W]
Quest Group Trollshaws
Quest Text

Bestowal dialogue

'The road that passes through the Tâl Bruinen is little more than a dirt path for most of its length, but it is still used by travellers who pass south heading for Hollin and must be kept in usable condition.

'I have been charged by Lord Elrond with keeping the road clear, but it is a time-consuming duty, and I am often at a loss to keep it free of hazards.

'The path runs north of Echad Candelleth and south towards Hollin, and often becomes choked with brambles and treacherous stones. Furthermore, longhorns often stray near to the road and threaten travellers. If you can clear the road of these threats, I will reward you for your time.'


Bainthir has been charged with keeping the road through Tâl Bruinen clear, and has asked for your help.

Objective 1

  • Clear brambles from the road (0/6)
  • Clear trecherous stones from the road (0/4)
  • Defeat Great Glen-bucks (0/4)

The road runs north of Echad Candelleth and south through Tâl Bruinen.

The road that runs through Tâl Bruinen often becomes choked with brambles and treacherous stones and is threatened by longhorns. Bainthir has offered you a reward if you can help him with his duty of keeping the road clear.

Bainthir: 'The road through Tâl Bruinen often becomes choked with brambles, littered with treacherous stones, and threatened by glen-bucks. If you help me remove these dangers from the path north of Echad Candelleth and south in the direction of Hollin, I would appreciate it and reward you.'

Objective 2

Bainthir is at Echad Candelleth, the Elf-camp at Tâl Bruinen.

You have cleared the road that runs through Tâl Bruinen of many hazards and should return now to Bainthir for your reward.

Bainthir: 'Thank you for your service, <name>. It is of great impratance to master Elrond that the road remain clear, especially in recent days. I cannot speak more on this subject, but you know that you receive this reward with my thanks and with those of Master Elrond as well.'