Volume III Interludes, Part Two

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Deed Lore

You are certain the Grey Company is mastering whatever dangers await them on their separate road.


   Woodland Ranger's Outfit Gift Box

Deed Chain Information

  1. Volume III Interludes, Part One
  2. Volume III Interludes, Part Two

Additional Information

  • This deed is available at level 80.
  • Complete Interludes 4-7 from Gleowine's Map:
4. Interlude: Halros's Watch - Your thoughts turn to Halros, so far away.
5. Interlude: Calenglad's Appeal - Your thoughts turn to Calenglad so far away.
6. Interlude: Pit of the Falcon - Your thoughts turn to Golodir, so far away.
7. Interlude: Strength of Will - Your thoughts turn to Lothrandir, so far away.