This article is a Player character biography page The contents herein are entirely player made and in no way represent official Lotro history or occurrences which are accurate for all worlds. The characters and events listed are of an independent nature and applied for roleplaying, fictional, speculative, or opinions from a limited playerbase only. |
Thereon | |
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Szabad Népek | |
World: | Eldar |
Vocation: | Historian |
Class: | Lore-master |
Race: | Man |
Region: | Rohan |
Age: | 22 |
Height: | 177 cm |
Sex: | Male |
Skin: | White |
Hair: | Brown |
Eye: | Green |
Physical Description: Thereon can be recognizable from his armour: He's always wearing a green robe, with green cloak and a pointy hat. Usually the enemy looks him as a simple rohirrim rider from the far sight, wich is a tactical advantage. In combat he fights both with his staff in the right hand, and with his sword in the left.
Personality Description: With his skills, Thereon is helping those who really need a wizard's assistance. Friendly and calm person, but usually he walks the regions alone. Unfortunately he can't stay in a fellowship for too long because of his destiny, but he's got lots of friends in Middle Earth.
Born in Gondor in the Third Age, nobody knows when exactly. He looks like a 20 year old man, but everyone knows that he is much older. His parents have probably passed away. He was raised by the people of Minas Tirith. In his youth, he learnt how to fight with staff and sword, also practiced a little archery. He studied history and culture also. He didn't fit in the gondorian society. As he was giving up all hope of an adventorous life, he met Gandalf who introduced him in the wonderful and misterious world of magic. Gandalf and Radgast taught him magic, practiced with him, and slowly Thereon became one of their best discipole. After his initation, Thereon made a friendship with a tiny moth named Pallando - after the name of the blue istar. Pallando is still the ally - famulus - of Thereon.

Thereon now lives in Rohan, but also wandering in the other regions of Middle Earth. For instance, he enjoys fishing in Forochel or farming in the Shire. He often buys fireworks from the dwarves, because his kinmates - living in Bree-land - really enjoy when their wizard makes them a fantasctic party and present them with magical pipe-weeds. Because of his favourite rohirrim colour and his travelling, he's got the Green Wizard and Wandering Wizard titles, there are some also, who calls him The Light from the Shadow.
Friends and Enemies
- Hirannis - Thereon's only truly friend.
- All who are against the Free Peoples of Middle Earth
((Please use this section to post IC reactions and reflections concerning this character.))
- They say, that he could be one of the Dúnedain...