User:Lazymeadow/Camelia Lightfoot

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Camelia Lightfoot
Camelia Lightfoot.
World: Landroval
Vocation: Yeoman
Class: Minstrel
Race: Hobbit
Age: 54
Height: 3'11"
Sex: Female
Skin: Light and freckled
Hair: Red and curling
Eye: Brightest blue


Physical Description: Camelia a youngish Hobbit who towers over others by several inches. Her curling red hair is always pulled back, and freckles sit beneath eyes blue as sapphires.

Personality Description: A quiet lass, Camelia keeps away from others, especially Big Folk, if she can help it. Frightened by the very thought of a Dwarf, and terribly confused by an Elf, she isn't too different from many of the Shire folk.


Few but her closest friends know her true story, as she tends to lie to strangers to make herself seem more fascinating. She does, however, smoke an awful lot of pipeweed, and will tell anyone it is the fault of her Gammer Rose.

Friends and Enemies


  • Camelia has many friends, and they know exactly who they are.


  • Rotten folk who have nothing better to do than spoil a good Hobbit's day.


  • Why, just the other day, I saw a Hobbit galavanting through town with boots on. What self respecting Hobbit would put something like that on his feet, I ask you?