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World: Landroval
Vocation: Yeoman
Class: Champion
Race: Man
Region: Dale
Age: 34
Height: 6'3"
Sex: Male
Skin: Tan
Hair: Brown
Eye: Blue


Physical Description: An imposing man clad in leather armor with two shiny blades at his side, yet you notice dirt caked under his fingernails and a strong scent of Hobbit pipeweed follows him.

Personality Description: A man of night-and-day contradictions, Fortuente is mellow and easy-going when enjoying a bowl of pipeweed or playing music on his carved horn at the tavern, yet fierce and almost fanatical when facing his enemies on the field of battle.


Fortuente has dedicated himself to eradicating the threat from Mordor like his boyhood hero, King Bard, slayer of the dragon Smaug. Yet he has always had a taste for the simple life, preferring to cultivate pipeweed and cook delicious meals in his spare time. He has felt right at home with the Hobbits since arriving in Bree, though he still maintains his furious vigil against the allies of Sauron.

Friends and Enemies


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