User:Fanchen/Traceries notes

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The new legendary system, like the old system, will use legendary weapons and a legendary class item for most classes. However, the distinction between First Age, Second Age and Third Age items will be removed. Instead of Legacies, Gems, Runes, Relics and Sockets, new socketable items called Traceries will be used. Four different kinds of Traceries exist, and each legendary item has slots for each of them: Heraldric Traceries, Word of Craft Traceries, Word of Power Traceries and class specific Traceries.

Legendary Item

An example of legendary items outfitted with Traceries can be seen here. Note that the slot configuration differs between the class item and the weapon: While both can be slotted with a single Heraldric Tracery, six Class Traceries and three Word of Craft Traceries, the weapon has two slots for Word of Power Traceries while the class item has three. Additionally, the last slot for Word of Power Traceries is currently locked. It is assumed that the slot can be unlocked by reaching a higher, not yet attainable character level.

Heraldric Traceries

Legendary Traceries for Level 121-140

A single Heraldric Tracery can be slotted on a legendary item. They are planned to provide a Damage type to the weapon at a later point.

Word of Power Traceries

Legendary Traceries for Level 121-140, page 1

Several Word of Power Traceries can be applied to a legendary item, but each of the Traceries is unique. That means that the same Tracery can not be equipped twice, even on different legendary items.

Legendary Traceries for Level 121-140, page 2

Word of Craft Traceries

Updated for Beta 2 Legendary Traceries for Level 121-140

Temporary section for class Traceries. Only legendary currently.

Several class Traceries can be applied to a legendary item, but each of the Traceries is unique. That means that the same Tracery can not be equipped twice, even on different legendary items.

Beorning (Updated for Beta 2): First Link Second Link

Brawler (Updated for Beta 2): Link

Burglar (Updated for Beta 2): First Link Second Link

Captain: First Link Second Link

Champion: First Link Second Link

Guardian: First Link Second Link

Hunter: First Link Second Link

Lore-master: First Link Second Link Third Link

Minstrel: First Link Second Link

Rune-keeper: First Link Second Link

Warden: First Link Second Link

Q&A from Bullroarer on 2021-09-07

During the Early Access Phase for Update 30.3 on Bullroarer, there was a Q&A session for Content Creators. A transcript can be found below. Note that timestamps were removed and the original order of some answers was changed to improve readability.

Strimtom: 'Will the class tracery count be increasing before launch of the new system? Many classes don't have 12 traceries they can use for a single role as of right now (much like live)'

Brawlervan: 'Strimtom - I think that remains to be seen, but the intention is to make sure we have a good number of Traceries available throughout the various acquisition methods in time for players playing Brawlers on live. Whether we debut with the full list or follow up with more in the short term we will see!'

Brawlervan: 'But you should be able to make a full item of Legend and equip it fully at launch and have at least generally compelling options.'

Rolandervon: 'Is there going to be an exchanger that will allow us to buy enhancement runes with Scrolls of Empowerment or Heraldic runes with starlit crystals?'

Brawlervan: 'Rolandervon - We are intending to introduce a conversion method for you to take your Legendary Item ingredients and convert them to new ingredients usable by the new system.'

Brawlervan: 'That conversion simply hasn't been implemented yet so is not yet in this preview.'

Ghyn: 'Just some quick feedback for me on the new system. The system as a whole seems to be a big improvement on the old one. One major issues is some classes having a lot lackluster class traceries. I'm sure you have people who have knowledge of the game giving input on the legacies, but there are many traceries I would call borderline useless.'

Brawlervan: 'I am sure that the number of Traceries and their specific benefits will undergo work prior to live, this is a pretty early preview after all.'

Strimtom: 'Are the current traceries set in stone or is this a fairly early preview to the system? Some classes lost major legacies while others did not, specifcally around critical and other stats.'

Brawlervan: 'Strimtom - specific detail on what benefits are missing from Traceries would be very helpful, and any feedback really will help. Putting it on the forums in particular will be useful.'

Badogor: 'a basic question: what are the intended sources of these LI mats, [Ancient Script] [Cracked Khazad-dûm Tracery] and so forth? quest rewards? rep barter? instance/raid drops?'

Brawlervan: 'Badogor - I don't know about that specific Tracery but yes they should be generally available throughout our content.'

Ghyn: 'Hopefully we will see some changes there, everything else looks good and interesting to me. I wouldn't be opposed to be part of the brainstorming or maybe giving ideas for class traceries if that was ever an option. Also hoping for a way to be able to apply multiple enhancement runes at once, instead of dragging one by one. I understand this is still early, so I'm assuming there will be a unique panel for this LI system where you can look at all your items, just as we have with the current one. (shift+i)'

Strimtom: 'Yes, I was going to ask if there will be a custom ui menu, as the current implementation is very tight and not super user friendly'

Brawlervan: 'Ghyn - Good question! I don't actually know that one. I think we are moving to generally doing all the work on your item rather than elsewhere, so I don't think there is currently an overview UI for your weapons of Legend.'

Brawlervan: 'I know there is still plenty of UI work to be done, so I'd imagine we'll sort the main issues out.'

+Mvp: 'I believe the idea is to move away from LI's having their own UI panel.'

Strimtom: 'Are old legendaries going to be sunset, or can players still use them? Will players be able to get old legendary items for using old legacies?'

Brawlervan: 'Stimtom - You will definitely be able to continue to use your existing Legendary Items just as you do today, but we are not updating the old LI system moving forward, so eventually your LIs will be outleveled by your new items and content.'

Brawlervan: 'Not updating the old LI system moving forward in larger development terms, we'll still do bug fixing and such.'

Brawlervan: 'You will also be able to convert your old unused ingredients to the new system at some ratio TBD'

Brawlervan: 'We are not currently planning to do a formal turning in and conversion of your old LI, so it will largely be updatable using old ingredients you have, and you will be able to continue to use it for as long as it offers you a benefit.'

Rolandervon: 'Is all the grinding work we did on our existing LIs lost? No way to convert existing LI's to new LIs or at least salvage new ingredients from existing LIs?'

Brawlervan: 'I have been text chatting with Vastin a bit and it looks like I may have spoken somewhat incorrectly about conversion of old LIs. I - think - the plan is to offer some level of deconstruction of existing LIs into ingredients, and potentially also offer a conversion of some Ingredients for either currency or system ingredient. Some things like your piles of unwanted Relics may not'

Brawlervan: 'We will have more specific info and detail soon.'

Strimtom: 'But will you still be able to get them? Without changes to old LIs, some classes need them for weapon swapping before combat. So would a new player be able to get an old legendary once this goes live?'

Brawlervan: 'I am not 100% sure Strimtom but I believe we are not intending to continue offering the old LI system moving forward, as it will be replaced by our new system. However, we will make sure we do our best to hit parity and above on the new system, so let us know where we are currently lacking and we will look into it.'

Strimtom: 'How will players aqcuire traceries? Is this meant to be a global drop/barter system, or an exclusive end game system?'

Brawlervan: 'They will be acquired throughout the leveling experience once you get your item of Legend'

Brawlervan: 'So I would imagine they would be offered through all sorts of various methods and options'

Andang: 'Will there be an easier way to apply them, instead of dragging 1100 items over like it currently will work to get both LIs maxed?'

Brawlervan: 'Andang - I know UI work is still ongoing, but that feedback is useful as well. I have heard that we are looking at bulk turn-ins but I don't know where we are specifically on that.'

Rolandervon: 'Are relics obsolete in the new LI system?'

Brawlervan: 'I am not sure what the full plan is to deal with Relics but they are not currently a part of the new system.'

Brawlervan: 'I'd imagine we have several possibilities and time to sort it.'

Amaryll: 'Applying traceries to weapons needs the Socket Control window, while right-clicking from inventory works for the class item currently. Is the Socket Control window temporary or will that remain the way to interact with legendary items?'

Brawlervan: 'Amaryll - The "Socket Control Window" is going to be getting a rename, first off. :) However, it is intended that that UI be the main way to interact with your items of legend.'

Badogor: 'titles don't seem to work with the new LIs. will there be some way to change damage type?'

Amaryll: 'According to the Release Notes, Heraldric Traceries will eventually do that'

Rolandervon: 'This preview seems to imply Brawler and the new LI system will be released as an separate update before Gundabad expansion?'

+Mvp: 'They are both planned to come out before Gundabad.'

Rolandervon: 'ok, so Brawler will need to be purchased from the store?'

Brawlervan: 'Rolandervon - We will have more info on how people will be able to play Brawler in the future. The current Legend work is expected to be released prior to Update 31.'

Rolandervon: 'I tried to equip to equip bow and sword LIs on my hunter but it gave me an error about equipping multiple items with same unique essence. So that means you can only say slot critical rating essences on the bow and not also on the sword?'

Amaryll: 'unique traceries are unique for all items, not unique for a single item'

Amaryll: 'all equipped items that is'

+Mvp: 'Amaryll is correct'

Rolandervon: 'so are all traceries unique or just some of them?'

Amaryll: 'Word of Craft and Heraldric Traceries are not unique currently, others are'

Strimtom: 'Brawler question: Is it intended for brawlers to have to spend 2 points to get things out of the fundament tree, even though it is not a main tree?'

Brawlervan: 'Strimtom - Sorry that's a Q for the person doing the work, I don't personally know. Sounds like maybe a bug.'

Strimtom: 'LEgendary question: Will crafters and crafting guilds be able to interact with the new legendary system?'

Brawlervan: 'Strimtom - I would imagine so'

+Mvp: 'Weaponsmiths will be able to craft battle-gauntlets, but that's all wa can say at this time.'

Rolandervon: 'Will the ingredients for traceries be available at the skirmish camp for marks/meds? Or is that TBD?'

+Mvp: 'I think pretty much everything about how the indredients are acquired is TBD.'

Badogor: 'one user asked whether legendary bridles were included in the new system or not. apologize if that was already asked'

+Mvp: 'From what I understand the bridles will still be a thing, but work on them is ongoing and they aren't a part of this preview.'

Strimtom: 'Is there a particular reason that this new system uses traceries instead of the name legacies?'

Brawlervan: 'Strimtom - We are open to making sure the terminology meets its need. In general we want to make sure people understand that this is a new system with its own ingredients and is functionally very different from the existing system, so re-using the terminology didn't seem appropriate.'

Belnavar: 'Will the Words of Craft have additional stats beyond their current +rating ones?'

Belnavar: 'How can the final Word of Craft slot be unlocked?'

Brawlervan: 'Belnavar: Sorry some of that is a bit more level of detail than I have available. I will write it down and see if I can't get it answered'