User:Dranday/Hindy Dranday

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Hindy Dranday
Hindy Dranday
The Brotherhood
World: Vilya
Vocation: Explorer
Class: Guardian
Race: Hobbit
Region: Shire
Age: 23
Height: 3'2"
Sex: Female
Skin: Fair
Hair: Light Brown
Eye: Blue


  • Free Spirited
  • Joyful
  • Optimistic
  • Brave
  • Pure-Of-Heart


Birthday: 17th of Thimbridge (Monday) Orphaned at age 2 when parents were killed by Sharkey in a raid on the Shire, but was never told. Was sent to live with a family in Bree. At age 12 was sent to Shire to live where the step-parents thought she would fit in better. When she first met Gandalf, she was very interested in his fireworks. She met Frodo Baggins that same day, she was 13 when she met Frodo -age 19-. She later met him in Rivendell when he was 21. He gave her a circlet with a gem that perfectly matched the color of her eyes. In Angmar when she helped Sara Oakheart get to safety when she revealed herself as Amarthiel. She stabbed Hindy through the heart and took the circlet from her. She the cast it onto the ground and crushed it with her foot. The rangers in Angmar quickly came to her aid and took her to the minstrals of their hideout who saver her life.



  • Elsinya
  • Monsiegneur


  • Mordirith

Sworn Enemies

  • Sharkey


  • Bounders
  • Rangers of the North
  • Riders of Rohan