User:Adian10/Asteneth Shadowslayer

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Asteneth son of Adindekesh the III Chief Guard of Ost Galadh
World: Crickhollow
Vocation: Historian(Master Expert Scholar,Master Artisan Weaponsmith,Farmer)
Class: Hunter
Race: Elf
Region: Mirkwood
Age: 853
Height: 6'
Sex: Male
Hair: Dark Brown
Eye: Green


Physical Description: Quiet and unnoticed,but inadequate next to his father(Adindekesh) standards Personality Description: ever changing like the rivers of the Withywindle


Trained since birth to think outside the box and strategize with limited resources he was his father's joy...but as the years went on he soon grew wary of some of the unthinking solider's of Mirkwood.He's fears were realized when the guards to the prison let 13 prisoners escape without any recognition...Adindekesh realizing his son's potential in the art of Strategy brought him before King Thranduil. The King hearing of Asteneth's gift became outraged that he hadn't done anything to stop the prisoners from escaping.As the case was The King banished Asteneth from Mirkwood and declared that if he set foot inside Mirkwood he would be hunted down and killed......shortly after the battle of five armies the king sent scouts in search of Asteneth....they never returned

Friends and Enemies


  • Ayril
  • Celeborn
  • Mordvir
  • Astairfel


  • Tharanduil
  • Legolas
  • Skorgrim

Living Relatives

  • (Father) Adindekesh
  • (Sister)Daegoth