Quest Talk:Toss a Coin

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Things the various Minstrels say

  • Do you have any idea who I am?! People come from miles around to hear me, and you're shooing me away!
  • How dare you?! I'll leave, but you're missing out.
  • Hmm, I guess the chorus needs a bit of work.
  • Oh, very well. I'll go where my obvious talents are appreciated.
  • Pity, I was just about to sing The Ballad of the Rotted Fruit and the Honey Bee.
  • Too loud, you say? I guess I need more practice still....

There doesn't seem to be any link between who says what, I think I've heard all of them say each one. HTH HAND —NotACat (talk) 20:45, 16 July 2020 (UTC)