Quest:The Khundolar

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The Khundolar
Level 75
Type Solo
Starts with Aculf
Starts at Aculf's Camp
Start Region Great River
Map Ref [29.1S, 55.2W]
Ends with Céola
Ends at Etheburg
End Region Great River
Map Ref [31.1S, 52.2W]
Quest Group Brown Lands
Quest Text

Bestowal dialogue

'<name>, if these Khundolar are indeed descended from our foes of old and that they are but the precursor of an invasion, their main force will likely come down through the Brown Lands from the passes in the east. We have a watchpost there which may be threatened.

'Would you go to Etheburg in the Brown Lands and warn Céola? Our men there must not be taken unawares.'


The Woodmen believe that the Easterlings in the Rushgore are descended from the tribe which Eorl the Young had aided Gondor against at the Field of Celebrant and are the precursor of another major invasion.

Objective 1

  • Talk to Céola at Etheburg in the Brown Lands

Céola is at Etheburg in the Brown Lands, south-east of Aculf's camp.

Aculf asked you to warn Céola, the commander of the border-guard in the Brown Lands, of the Khundolar's impending invasion.

Aculf: 'Bring tidings of the Khundolar at once to Céola at Etheburg in the Brown Lands!'
Céola: 'Aculf's intentions were noble, but this news comes late to us, <name>. The Khundolar have already come. As well, brigands have taken up a hideaway to the north. We are surrounded at every turn, it seems....'