Quest:Reinforcements for Woodhurst

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Reinforcements for Woodhurst
Level 93
Type Solo
Starts with Herubrand
Starts at Woodhurst
Start Region Stonedeans
Map Ref [46.9S, 79.2W]
Ends with Gifemund
Ends at Woodhurst
End Region Stonedeans
Map Ref [47.8S, 79.6W]
Quest Group Stonedeans
Quest Text

Bestowal Dialogue

'A formidable Dunlending chieftain now sits on the throne of Woodhurst, and Arnwi has joined him. The men in lower Woodhurst were our brothers, but the men in the mead hall are working for the White Hand, and are not my brothers. They are wicked men, and it seems the soothsayer was right and the city has fallen.

'It is up to us to act. The time has come to gather Nothmar and Gifemund's men. We must confront our foe.'


The reinforcements from Gapholt have arrived, and between Nothmar and Gifemund's men it may be possible to reclaim the throne of Woodhurst.

Objective 1

Nothmar is with Herubrand in the basement of the farm-house in Woodhurst.

Herubrand has asked that you speak with Thane Nothmar to be sure his men are prepared for a battle for the mead hall in Woodhurst.

Nothmar: 'Aye, we are ready. We have rested from our journey from Gapholt, and are ready for a fierce battle that is surely ahead of us.'

Objective 2

Gifemund is in the ore-refinery building near the centre of Woodhurst.

Herubrand has asked that you speak with Gifemund to gather and prepare his men for a battle for the mead hall in Woodhurst.

Gifemund: 'It is good to see you have returned, <name>. My men have gathered, and we are prepared.'