Quest:Reflection of Flame

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Reflection of Flame
Level 57
Type Solo
Starts with Moria-mirror
Starts at Flaming Deeps
Start Region Flaming Deeps
Map Ref [15.0S, 107.8W]
Ends with Thórgnyr
Ends at Anazârmekhem
End Region Flaming Deeps
Map Ref [13.2S, 108.0W]
Quest Group Flaming Deeps
Quest Text

Bestowal dialogue

The inhabitants of the Flaming Deeps seem to hate the mirror; they abhor the light it reflects. But the dwarves need that light, for it shows the way and makes it safe to explore and mine.


The mirror in the Flaming Deeps is constantly being disturbed by Deep-worms, fiery dragonets, and the Ghâsh-hai. Keeping it correctly aligned is a nigh-impossible task.

Objective 1

Thórgnyr is in Anazârmekhem, north of The Crossroads of Ash.

Thórgnyr will want to know that you re-aligned the mirror.

Thórgnyr: 'Thank you, <name>, for re-aligning that mirror. Although, I suppose I shouldn't get too pleased yet, for I am sure the creatures down there have already shoved the mirror out of alignment again.'