Quest:Bult-kâr: Cut at the Root

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Bult-kâr: Cut at the Root
Level 53
Type Solo only
Repeatable Yes
Starts with Burkni
Starts at Mezer-serej
Start Region Zelem-melek
Map Ref [7.2S, 104.7W]
Quest Group Moria
Quest Text

Bestowal dialogue

'Greetings. I am Burkni of the Iron Garrision, tasked with the reclamation of Bult-kâr. Within, there lies a vast store of lumber which we could readily use to begin repairs across Khazad-dûm.

'Unfortunately, we cannot claim this storehouse until the intruders within have been dealt with. Perhaps with your aid, we could strike terror into these intruders and drive them out.

'I am certain that these intruders have a leader, someone -- or something -- that holds sway over them. Quickly, enter Bult-kâr and dispatch the foe who commands the rest of those within.'

The Iron Garrison has created a diversion, drawing the bulk of the intruders from the depths of Bult-kâr. They are permitting you access for one hour, during which time you may enter and exit Bult-kâr freely to complete the tasks bestown upon you.

However, after the hour has passed, the Iron Garrison can no longer guarantee your safety and thus will bar access until they can once again muster an offense to draw the enemy from Bult-kâr.


With a foothold established in the Twenty-first Hall, the Iron Garrison has begun the reclamation of the forgotten stockhouses, libraries, and mines of Moria. The lumber warehouse of Bult-kâr is one such location.

Objective 1

  • Defeat leader of the intruders within Bult-kâr

The entrance to Bult-kâr lies within Mezer-serej.

Burkni has asked you to defeat the leader of the intruders within Bult-kâr

Burkni: 'What of your task? Do not waste any time...slay the one who leads the intruders within Bult-kâr!'

Objective 2

Burkni is at Mezer-serej.

With the defeat of their leader, the intruders within Bult-kâr have had their morale weakened. You should return to Burkni and tell him of your victory.

Burkni: 'Well done, well done.
'With the defeat of their leader, we have already observed disarray among the remaining intruders. The Iron Garrison should have no trouble reclaiming this storehouse.'