Quest:Banners of Umbar

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Banners of Umbar
Level 99
Type Solo
Starts with Corsair Banner
Starts at Hashadîr
Start Region Havens of Belfalas
Map Ref [78.6S, 72.8W]
Ends with Auto-complete
Quest Chain Hashadîr
Quest Text

Bestowal Dialogue

The Corsairs boldly fly their colours in Hashadîr, the encampment near Dol Amroth.

You should replace their banners with Gondorian colours, for this land has not yet been claimed for Umbar.


The Corsairs boldly fly their colours in Hashadîr, the encampment near Dol Amroth.

Objective 1

  • Replace banners of Umbar with banners of Gondor (0/8)

Banners of Umbar fly in Hashadîr, the Corsair camp south-west of Dol Amroth in Belfalas.

You should replace the Corsairs' banners with Gondorian ones.

Raised a banner of Dol Amroth (8/8)

Objective 2

  • Completed

You have littered Hashadîr with the flags of Gondor, which will do much to dishearten the Corsairs who have begun to raid these southern lands.