Master of Nature's Fury Skills

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These skills are acquired by spending trait points in the Master of Nature's Fury (red) trait tree.

Active Skills Category Cooldown Range Source
 Wizard's Fire Damage + Power - 40m Set: Initial skill
 Lightning-storm AoE 1m30s 25m Trait:  Lightning-storm
 Improved Sticky Gourd AoE + DoT 30s Self Set:  Liquid Fire
 Ring of Fire AoE Damage + Debuff 30s 25m Trait:  Ring of Fire
 Ents go to War AoE Damage + Stun 5m 15m Set:  Ents go to War
 Nature's Fury AoE 1m30s 25m Trait:  Nature's Fury
 Improved Wizard's Fire AoE - 40m Set:  Flame of Anor