Dwarf-carved Stone

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The Dwarf-carved Stone in full


A dwarf carved stone on the side of the Lonely Mountain at the secret door, during the Quest Durin's Day Upon Erebor.


The Quest: Durin's Day Upon Erebor states:
 'Here on Durin's Day Thorin II Oakenshield King of the Longbeards son of Thráin son of Thrór unlocked this door', the runes begin.
  • The Runes as translated by player Pontin Finnberry:
Here on Durin's day Thorin Oakenshield
King of the Longbeards son of Thrain son of Thrór unlocked this door
with help of the Burglar Bilbo Baggins and reclaimed
his kingdom from Smaug the Usurper
Dwarf-carved Stone, Runes Translated by player Pontin Finnberry