Quest:The Tombs of Akhaldarâg

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The Tombs of Akhaldarâg
Level 134
Type Solo
Starts with Scout-master Ausma
Starts at Bárgstad
Start Region Pit of Stonejaws
Map Ref [44.2S, 113.8W]
Ends with Kyrstig
Ends at Akhaldarâg
End Region Pit of Stonejaws
Map Ref [42.6S, 114.7W]
Quest Group Gundabad: Pit of Stonejaws
Quest Text

Bestowal Dialogue

'We know from ancient lore that Adkhât-zahhar, the Houses of Rest, should be somewhere in the Pit of Stonejaws. These tombs are said to hold the long-dead lords of Gundabad, certainly an important and hallowed place to the Longbeard dwarves. I have sent Kyrstig out to find them, and investigate if they have been disturbed by Angmarim or hobgoblins. You should be able to find her somewhere on the western side of the Pit of Stonejaws.'


Kyrstig has been sent to investigate the ancient dwarf-tombs in the Pit of Stonejaws.

Objective 1

Kyrstig should be scouting somewhere near Adkhât-zahhar, the Houses of Rest, on the western side of the Pit of Stonejaws.

You should find Kyrstig.

Kyrstig: '<name>! I need help here! The Angmarim are committing atrocities in the Houses of Rest! I have witnessed them stealing the fallen dwarves from their resting places and bringing them back to life as wights! And in the places the Angmarim aren't, the Kergrim are ransacking the tombs and EATING the dead! This is horrible, adn though I was told to just watch and not interfere, I cannot in good conscience allow this to go on!'
You ask Kyrstig if she has seen Loknashra of heard and mention of her from the Angmarim.
'The female hobgoblin? No, I have not seen her, but I have heard the Angmarim speaking about her. It sounded like they were teaching her something? You should look around and se if you can find out more.'

Objective 2

Kyrstig has discovered that the Angmarim are desecrating the Houses of Rest.

You should help Kyrstig with quests in Akhaldarâg.

Angmarim Missive: 'Children of Drugoth,
'It is of vital importance that we build a strong alliance with the frost-bound hobgoblins. Loknashra is the key to that end. Instruct her in our ways as best you can.
'Ugarad the Harbinger'

Objective 3

  • Talk to Kyrstig

Kyrstig is near Akhaldarâg, northwest of Bárgstad.

You should talk to Kyrstig.

Kyrstig: 'We have done what we can for now. We need to inform Ausma of the Angmarim activities here! I will return to Bárgstad as soon as I can get away without being seen.'