Quest:Nannies in the Nest

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Nannies in the Nest
Level 134
Type Solo
Starts with Molkha
Starts at Pit of Stonejaws
Start Region Pit of Stonejaws
Map Ref [42.5S, 111.2W]
Ends with Molkha
End Region Pit of Stonejaws
Quest Group Gundabad: Pit of Stonejaws
Quest Text

Bestowal Dialogue

'I've seen some hobgoblins down in the drake nest. They seem rather subservient, tending to the eggs and nests like... well, like nannies! Imagine having to tend to little babies with teeth like those infant drakes have! No thank you!

'You should defeat those hobgoblins while they're busy. Such nannies and the infants in their care are enemies of the Gabil'akkâ, and dangerous to dwarves!'


Molkha has spotted several hobgoblins inside Borkordh, tending the drake nests.

Objective 1

  • Defeat hobgoblin nest-tenders (0/5)

Hobgoblin nest-tenders can be found in the drake-nest of Borkordh in the southeast side of the Pit of Stonejaws.

Defeated hobgoblin nest-tenders (5/5)

Objective 2

Molkha is scouting outside Borkordh.

Molkha: 'Tending to drake nests seems like it would be dull work most of the time... until it's suddenly not, and you find yourself having to calm down a grumpy infant drake that doesn't want to nap! I wonder how the warlord chooses who gets assigned that task?'