Quest:Smoke in Their Eyes

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Smoke in Their Eyes
Level 134
Type Solo
Starts with Klúso
Starts at Bárgstad
Start Region Pit of Stonejaws
Map Ref [42.3S, 113.9W]
Quest Group Gundabad: Pit of Stonejaws
Quest Text

Bestowal Dialogue

'I have had an idea, inspired by one of Ausma's inventions! Here, you will need these.'

He places a heavy sack in front of you, and opens it to reveal several large metal canisters full of blasting powder.

'These look big, I know, but the mixture is specially-formulated to produce smoke instead of flames. We can set these off around the big towers in front of Shakhajât and the billowing smoke will mask our movements!'


Klúso has a plan to deal with the towers near Shakhajât.

Objective 1

  • Place smoke bombs (0/6)

Large towers in front of Shakhajât will serve as fine targets for Klúso's smoke bombs.

Objective 2

Klúso will want to hear how well his plan to hide your movements is proceeding.

Klúso: 'Look at those mighty columns of smoke! The sentry at the top of each of those towers must be furious! Haha!'