Quest:Unwelcome Foragers

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Unwelcome Foragers
Level 144
Type Solo
Starts with Derva
Starts at Leeking
Start Region Pinnath Gelin
Map Ref [57.0S, 94.6W]
Ends with Derva
Ends at Leeking
End Region Pinnath Gelin
Map Ref [57.0S, 94.6W]
Quest Group Pinnath Gelin
Quest Text

Bestowal Dialogue

'What we don't grow here we forage from the woods to the north-east. Or at least we used to until some wood-trolls moved in. They used to be fewer in number and stayed closer to the water. Something pushed them farther up hill and I don't know what.

'Normally I would be happy to live and let live, but over the past few nights I've noticed a few of them straying from the woods and getting closer to the farm than I'd like. I petitioned Ost Arndír for aid but it seems they are busy with some Haradrim lingering to the south-east.

'Could I ask you to go into the woods and erm, discourage them from venturing too close? Oh and while you're there, if you see any white mushrooms could you pick them for me? They are the backbone of my summer stew recipe and I haven't been able to pick any myself on account of the wood-trolls.'


Derva needs you to defeat wood-trolls and harvest mushrooms in the forest north-west of her farm..

Objective 1

Derva has asked you to defeat wood-trolls and pick mushrooms.

Wood-trolls and the mushrooms she seeks can be found in the woods to the north-west.

Objective 2

Derva: Derva brushes some woodchips and twigs from your shoulder.
'You had a little something there. I take it the wood-trolls have been dealt with?'
You nod and hand over the basket of mushrooms. She lifts them to her nose and inhales.
'I've missed that musty smell. Thanks, adventurer. I hope your future journeys treat you well.'