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Farbryt Mcpherson
Brothers of the Hood
World: Gladden
Vocation: Armourer
Class: Guardian
Race: Man
Age: 27
Sex: Male
Hair: Black


Physical Description: Coming from the sturdy stock of the Rohan, Farbryt is a naturaly muscular guy. Personality Description: Farbryt is often looked to as a leader, as he is a natural born leader and inspiration to all those who follow him. Often, in the midst of chaos and turmoil, he is seen as a rock in the midst of the storm, and many often turn to him for shelter.


The line was broken. Brothers turned upon brothers, fathers on their sons. Rohan was weakening. And it was from that Rohan that I, Farbryt, last of the royal house of Mcpherson, have fled. Rohan is not safe. Our once royal King is sick in both body and mind, being overrun with the evil of Saruman. I fled, knowing that soon it would come to all of us. We would either have to be subject to Saruman or die. I choose to run. Call me a coward if you must, but I did what was best for both me and my family, and ultimately, my country. It was as I fled I found myself captured by Blackwold,and you all know the story from there....

Friends and Enemies


Cheers to my good friends Mournfryne, Therberd, Aelgthar, Bjornwolf, Xaymar, and all my other fellow defenders of Middle Earth


Anything that has bad breath, like orcs, goblins, and thieves or ruffians. To be more precise, anyone or anything that opposes me.