Uruk Racial Traits

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Uruk Racial Traits
Name Description Rank Price
 Racial Skill: Imposing Presence Grants Imposing Presence skill. 1 (BA)
3 (WL)
1,000 Commendation 
 New Breed Increases your armour value, max Health and max Power. 1 1,000 Commendation 
 Racial Skill: Get a Grip! Grants Get a Grip! skill. 2 (BA)
4 (WL)
1,000 Commendation 
 Leaders of the Orcs Increases your Physical and Tactical Mastery. 2 1,000 Commendation 
 Favoured Servant of the Dark Increases your Physical and Tactical Mitigation. 3 1,000 Commendation 
 Tireless Warrior Increases your in-Combat Morale and Power Regeneration. 4 1,000 Commendation 
 Brutal Persuasion Increases your Critical Rating. 5 1,000 Commendation