Social:Bounders of the West Farthing

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Background Information

The Bounders of the West Farthing are most likely the longest running and largest hobbit only kinship in the Game. They are based on the server Gilrain and will recruit any hobbit of any level/class. At rank 7 they purchased a hobbit kin-hall in the Slightings instance and have moved many of their kin members in the surrounding instance. The Leader of the Bounders of the West Farthing is a hobbit burglar named Sidny with Magdfting being the successor. It was Named by Larrie the Guardian hobbit and is currently approaching Rank 10.

Kinship Aim

The Kinship Aim is to take down the Barlog that inhabits the rift with just Hobbits (preferable using just Bounders, however any skilled level 50 hobbit will do). Unfortunately due to the lack of classes (namely Captains, Champions and Loremasters) this may prove harder than first expected. Mainly a social kin, the Bounders aid eachother with quest help, crafting and advice, building a family feel through kin events that can only benefit the whole Bounder experience.