Quest:Twistbeard Antidote

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Twistbeard Antidote
Level 130
Type Solo
Starts with Edash
Starts at Amdân, the Threshold
Start Region Azanulbizar
Map Ref [63.1N, 135.7W]
Quest Group Azanulbizar
Quest Text

Bestowal Dialogue

'You did a fine job collecting the twistbeard. I have prepared the poison's antidote. Administer it to our fallen comrades here and in the nearby camps. If I am correct, they should feel relief right away.'


Edash was able to craft an antidote to the poison, but time is running out for the afflicted.

Objective 1

  • Cure poisoned dwarves (0/6)

Poisoned warriors are resting in Amdân.

Edash has tasked you with administering an antidote to the poisoned warriors.

Poisoned Dwarf: 'Oh fortunate timing! I live to fight another day!'
Poisoned Dwarf: 'Thank you, cousin. I will be back on my feet in no time.'
Poisoned Dwarf: 'May your beard never grow thin, cousin.'

Objective 2

  • Talk to Edash

Edash is located in Amdân.

Bring the antidote pouch to Edash.

Edash: 'Well done, friend. You saved many lives today! They will live to fight on.'