Quest:The Legend of the Tempest

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The Legend of the Tempest
Level 146
Type Solo
Starts with Ithurga
Starts at Halrax
Start Region The Shield Isles
Map Ref [10.1S, 126.1W]
Ends with Hûrlub the Bellower
Ends at Phadâl Bimai
End Region The Shield Isles
Map Ref [5.5N, 136.9W]
Quest Group The Shield Isles
Quest Chain A Curious Hammer
Quest Text

Bestowal dialogue

'After thinking about the reports you gathered and putting them together with what I know of this Marâkh, Mother of Tempests, I believe our best guess is an island in the north Jeb Khâtel. It is said to be such a perilous journey that not even the heartiest of freebooters dare travel there.

'Again, I must caution, your life is more important than some old relic. Do not be hasty in this regard.

'Go to the island in Jeb Khâtel. Learn what you can, and retrieve Marâkh. If you cannot do this, escape as quickly as possible. Live to tell the tale.'


You and Ithurga have confirmed that the replica was likely a misdirect and the real hammer is still out there.

Objective 1

  • Find the island of legend

Ithurga explained that he has deduced the final location of Marâkh, Mother of Tempests. It is in an island in northern Jeb Khâtel.

There is a long path leading up the peak

Objective 2

  • Climb to the top of the peak

You have found a long path up a tall peak. The journey will be dangerous.

A giant stands before you

Objective 3

  • Talk to Hûrlub the Bellower

The giant seems to be agitated by something stuck in its eye.

Hûrlub the Bellower: 'You are small thing. Why do you come here?
'You not afraid? Everyone afraid. All stay away. Hûrlub always alone.
'Crawlies! Crawlies hurt Hûrlub! Hûrlub cannot sleep!
'Many leg ones. Always bully Hûrlub.'
Hûrlub frowns.