Quest:The Fall of Moria (Ráthwald)

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Merged with Quest:The Fall of Moria (Epic)
The Fall of Moria
Level 50
Type Solo
Starts with Ráthwald
Starts at Nan Sirannon
Start Region Eregion
Map Ref [50.6S, 7.6W]
Quest Group Vol. II. Book 1

Quest Text

Bestowal dialogue

'You have done us a great service already, friend, but there is something you should know about the Mines before you accompany the Iron Garrison into the mountains. Speak to me if you are willing to hear what I have to say.'


Because you have provided a great deal of assistance to the dwarves of Bósi and Brogur's expedition, they want to ensure that you know the story of Moria's fall before you help them further.

Objective 1

Ráthwald is by the archway near the camp of Echad Dúnann in Eregion.

You have provided much assistance to the dwarves of the expedition, and should now return to Ráthwald to hear the tale of the fall of Moria.

Ráthwald: 'You have already lent us great service to our expedition, <name>, and I do not wish to be held responsible if you come to a...bad sort of end. The history of Khazad-dûm is sad and grim, and it is Bósi's wish that all who lend their aid to our cause know what might await them inside the mines.
'I will tell you the story of the fall of Moria, if you will hear it, and give reasons why Khazad-dûm is called "Moria" by the Elves: "Black Pit."
'Listen well, and if you still wish to follow the dwarves into Moria, we can talk it over.'

Objective 2

Ráthwald is by the archway near the camp of Echad Dúnann in Eregion.

Ráthwald has agreed to tell you the tale of the fall of Moria.

Talking to Ráthwald opens the session start panel for The Fall of Moria session.

Objective 3

Ráthwald is by the archway near the camp of Echad Dúnann in Eregion.

Ráthwald has told you the tale of the fall of Moria and is waiting to speak with you.

Ráthwald: 'Though Náin and his kinsmen stood against the great evil that slew Durin, they did not stand long: Náin was killed by the shadow the following year and the dwarves were forced to abandon Khazad-dûm. Many of the Silvan Elves departed Lothlórien in anger and fear, flying southward and cursing the dwarves as they went.
'From time to time some brave dwarf has been known to seek those halls. Lord Balin is the most recent, but despite some encouraging reports shortly after his expedition arrived, we have not heard from him in many years, and begin to despair of finding him again.
'Bósi fears that he has perished, but it could be that Balin lives still within some deep hall. It is possible, but my thoughts are like to Bósi's. Thank you for listening to the tale, my friend. You see now how important this expedition is to my people.'