Quest:The Eriador Anniversary Scavenger Hunt -- Year Eight

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The Eriador Anniversary Scavenger Hunt -- Year Eight
Level ...
Type Solo
Starts with Odilia Rumble
Starts at The Party Tree
Start Region The Shire
Map Ref [29.9S, 71.5W]
Quest Chain Eriador Anniversary Scavenger Hunt
Quest Text

Bestowal dialogue

'I have an update regarding my request to be relieved, if you are curious. The Shire-wide Party Planning Committee has heard my case and the Chief Party Planners are considering what to do in the matter.

'Only, while they stroke their chins and ponder, the number of cards up there has grown to staggering proportions! The old ones get under foot and the new ones make my head ache. What a mess!'


Every year in the spring, the Anniversary Scavenger Hunt takes place to celebrate a very special occasion.

This version of the quest includes only objectives found within Eriador and is available to players of all levels.

NOTE: This quest will be removed from your quest log when the current festival ends.

Objective 1

  • Complete a Year Eight scavenger hunt card for a reward!

Cards hang from the Party Tree. Each card contains a scavenger hunt to complete at your own pace. When you complete a scavenger hunt, bring the completed card to Odilia Rumble for a reward!

Objective 2

Odilia Rumble can be found next to the Party Tree in the Shire.

You should speak to Odilia Rumble to receive your reward for completing a scavenger hunt card!

Odilia Rumble: 'The verdict from the Party Planning Committee is still out, I'm afraid. Important matters do take some time, you see. Here is another reward for your patience in this important matter.
'Do not snicker, it is important! My position and standing are on the line here!'
Check back with Odilia next week for further developments and more Scavenger Hunt cards!