Quest:The City: The Eyes of Nauriel

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The City: The Eyes of Nauriel
Level 148
Type Solo
Starts with Nauriel
Starts at Gate of Sorrows
Start Region Umbar Baharbêl
Map Ref [21.6S, 97.9W]
Quest Group The Song of Waves and Wind: Chapter 6
Quest Text

Bestowal Dialogue

'The Fleet-fast is just beyond this gate, <name>, and it seems to be guarded. Still, if we are to rescue my son we will need to penetrate its defences. Can I ask you to become my eyes in there, and for you to linger by certain of the clay jars that stand at major cross-roads within the Fleet-fast? When you do, be sure to note the number of guards and the patrol routes they take as they pass by.

'This information will help us craft a plan for making our way through the Fleet-fast when the time comes to rescue my Thorongil.'


Elladan and Elrohir were approached by a man in the Lower Ward who claimed to have information for them, but the brothers are not certain he can be trusted.

Objective 1

Nauriel asked you to linger by the clay jar to the south-west so you can observe the movement of guards within the Fleet-fast.

Nauriel: 'Can I ask you to become my eyes in there, and for you to linger by certain of the clay jars that stand at major cross-roads within the Fleet-fast? When you do, be sure to note the number of guards and the patrol routes they take as they pass by.
'This information will help us craft a plan for making our way through the Fleet-fast when the time comes to rescue my Thorongil.'

Objective 2

  • Observe the movement of guards within the Fleet-fast

Nauriel asked you to linger by a clay jar so you can observe the movement of guards within the Fleet-fast.

Objective 3

  • Linger by a clay jar further to the west

Nauriel asked you to linger at a clay jar further to the west so you can observe the movement of guards within the Fleet-fast.

Objective 4

  • Observe the movement of guards within the Fleet-fast

Nauriel asked you to linger at a clay jar further to the west so you can observe the movement of guards within the Fleet-fast.

Objective 5

  • Linger by the clay jar further to the west

Nauriel asked you to linger by a clay jar further to the west so you can observe the movement of guards within the Fleet-fast.

A guard of the Fleet-fast calls out to you
Guard of the Fleet-fast says, "You there!"

Objective 6

A suspicious guard of the Fleet-fast has called you over to him.

Guard of the Fleet-fast: 'You there! You cannot just linger like this in the Fleet-fast! Do not make me haul you away to the Gaol, for I will do it.'
You ask the guard if any visitors are ever permitted into the island citadel, and he laughs.
'Oh yes, folk are allowed inside! But those folk need to have a personal invitation, and you don't have the look of someone who's likely to have that. Unless Azagath invites you himself, I think you had better keep moving.'
You ask if Azagath ever comes out of the citadel, and the guard raises an eyebrow.
'He does, for he is beloved by the people and sometimes walks among them... but if any harm should befall him on one of these strolls I will look for you first, so you had better not try anything.
'No lingering in the Fleet-fast! I will not tell you again!'

Objective 7

  • Talk to Nauriel to the north-east, outside the Fleet-fast

Nauriel waits for your report where you left her, to the north-east outside the Fleet-fast.

Guard of the Fleet-fast: 'If any harm should befall Azagath on one of these strolls I will look for you first, so you had better not try anything. No lingering in the Fleet-fast! I will not tell you again!'
Nauriel: 'From your report it appears the Fleet-fast is well-patrolled by guards loyal to the Kindred of the Coins, <name>. Perhaps Cruel Dancer would be able to get inside the Citadel of Winds, but for the rest of us... I will need to think of some other way.
'An invitation by Azagath himself seems... unlikely. I will keep thinking.'