Quest:Task: Fine Skin

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Task: Fine Skin
Type Solo
Repeatable Yes
Starts with Tasks Bulletin Board
Quest Group Task
Quest Text

Bestowal dialogue

[35] Wanted: Fine skin from the beasts and cave-claws in the western stretches of the Trollshaws. Deliver the items to Heithur Ironfist at Barachen's Camp, south of the road in the western Trollshaws.

[35] Wanted: A collection of fine skin from the worms surrounding Echad Candelleth. All items should be deliverd to Bainthir at the camp.

[35] Wanted: Fine skin from the beasts surrounding the haven of Ost Forod. Deliver the items to Parr Chopley at the centre of the fortress.

[35] Wanted: Fine skin from the beasts surrounding Thorenhad. All items should be delivered to the collection box at the outpost in the Trollshaws.


[35] Heithur Ironfist, in the company and relative safety of Barachen's Camp, awaits your return with fine skin.

[35] Bainthir, an Elf at the camp of Echad Candelleth is awaiting a delivery of fine skin.

[35] Parr Chopley, an out-of-place hobbit at Ost Forod, awaits the deliver of fine skin at the haven outpost of Ost Forod in Evendim.

[35] The Elves at Thorenhad desire a delivery of fine skin to be made to them.

Objective 1

[35] * Collect fine skin (0/10) You have accepted a task to collect fine skin from the beasts and cave-claws in the western stretches of the Trollshaws. You are to deliver the items to Heithur Ironfist, a dwarf taking refuge at Barachen's Camp, south of the road in the western Trollshaws.

[35] * Collect fine skin (0/10) You have accepted a task to collect fine skin from the worms surrounding Echad Candelleth. You are to deliver the items to Bainthir at the camp.

[35] * Collect fine skin (0/10) You have accepted a task to collect the fine skin from the beasts surrounding the haven outpost of Ost Forod in Evendim. You are to deliver the items to Parr Chopley, a hobbit, living in the settlement.

[35] * Collect fine skin (0/10) You have accepted a task to collect fine skin from the beasts in the areas surrounding Thorenhad. The items are to be delivered to the collection box at the outpost.