Quest:Staunching the Flow

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Staunching the Flow
Level 29
Type Solo
Starts with Landscape
Starts at Ost Crithlanc
Start Region North Downs
Map Ref [8.2S, 35.3W]
Quest Group North Downs
Quest Text

Bestowal dialogue

Special weapons are being forged in the eastern camps for the Rauta-lehmä by the Hillmen of Angmar, who journey down from the mouth of the Ram Dúath.

You should defeat the Hillmen Armourers at their camp, for they pose a great threat to the free peoples of the North Downs.


Special weapons are being forged in the eastern camps for the Rauta-lehmä by the Hillmen of Angmar, who journey down from the mouth of the Ram Dúath.

Objective 1

The Hillmen Armourers are encamped south-east of the Ram Dúath.

You should defeat the Armourers before they can craft any more weapons for the Rauta-lehmä.

You succeeded in defeating the Hillmen Armourers from Angmar who came to strengthen the Rauta-lehmä.