Quest:Rumblings from Leitstáth

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Rumblings from Leitstáth
Level 135
Type Solo
Starts with Mézto
Starts at Grúmachath
Start Region Câr Bronach
Map Ref [50.2N, 68.6W]
Ends with Órug
Ends at Leitstáth
End Region Câr Bronach
Map Ref [47.0N, 64.9W]
Quest Group Gundabad: Câr Bronach
Quest Text

Bestowal Dialogue

'<name>, have you seen any stone-giants about?

'There were rumours that the entrance to Câr Bronach was being blockaded by a group of giants, the Grímklettar. I sent Kúzun and Órug to investigate. I believe they were planning on establishing an outpost, though I have not heard back from them in some time. If you are heading to the eastern reaches of Câr Bronach, will you relay an update of their activities to me?'


Leitstáth, the small encampment of dwarves in Câr Bronach has been tasked with keeping an eye on nearby stone-giants.

Objective 1

Leitstáth can be found in south east Câr Bronach.

You should travel to Leitstáth.

Objective 2

Kúzun can be found at Leitstáth.

You should talk to Kúzun.

Kúzun: 'Has Mézto sent you? Bah! I wish we had something to report back. Instead we wait for the stone-giants to make the first move. There has been such little movement, one would think the giants are just that; stones, and not giants at all!
'What say you, Órug?'

Objective 3

  • Talk to Órug at Leitstáth

Órug can be found at Leitstáth.

You should talk to Órug.

Órug: 'You must excuse Kúzun, he does not like waiting in this forsaken cold. We can barely keep the fires lit upon these wind-swept slopes. I will tell you what I know about the stone-giants in Câr Bronach.'