Quest:Realm of the Old Mother

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Realm of the Old Mother
Level 115
Type Solo
Starts with King Thranduil
Starts at Felegoth
Start Region Felegoth
Map Ref [48.2N, 127.2W]
Quest Group Eryn Lasgalen
Quest Chain The Old Mother
Quest Text

Bestowal dialogue

'No matter how well Iphantemel has defended her den, it lies on the forest's edge and has but one way in or out. I deem it best, for now, to station a watch of keen-eyed archers in view of it, and pin the spiders in where they can do least harm.

'Will you aid us in these efforts, <name>?'


Thranduil has a plan to besiege Iphantemel's den in Torech Emel.

Objective 1

You should talk to Thranduil in Felegoth.

King Thranduil: 'My archers are setting out at once, led by Oroniel. You should join them with all haste.'

Objective 2

You should talk to Thranduil in Felegoth.

King Thranduil: 'With Iphantemel besieged, she must face starvation within or flight onto the battleground of our choosing. Either must be her end.'